When I ponder who has the most power in society, I look to see who has the biggest targets on their backs. Who’s the dominant culture afraid of and why?
🎯 Trans folx and your superpower to “fundamentally alter the patriarchal hierarchy.”
All that’s left to ask, How can I help you in the effort?
This is really interesting not just for what it means in terms of a trans child but a woman's assertion of power. I grew up in a evangelical household & as a cis hetero woman I had some many issues with that culture. I still have a visceral reaction when I go to these churches for funerals/weddings.
Interesting read. I happen to have been raised in a very conservative, evangelical Christian home. When my son came out a few years ago, all I could think about was the final scene in “Fiddler on the Roof” in which a father rejects his own child. It’s heartbreaking and I vowed that would never 1/
happen in my family. My home would be a place of safety, acceptance and healing. NGL it was a complete unknown but I knew then and I still maintain that I will never ever stop loving my children no matter who they are. I just want them to be happy and live a full and rich life. 2/
Yes, honestly depressing to think all the years I taught about history of patriarchy and gender...it REALLY was as simple as I taught it. Boiling it down, there is no nuance. Just raw patriarchal impulse for dominance.
🎯 Trans folx and your superpower to “fundamentally alter the patriarchal hierarchy.”
All that’s left to ask, How can I help you in the effort?
Concentrated capital is the source for enabling and exploiting it for minority control.
I've long believed transphobes & all race/gender/sex/-phobes are rooted in the desire for a wealthy-white-male-straight-binary-christian world order.
Any 'other' from that group threatens their ideal world order.