I’d like to see him try this. State and city governments won’t allow it. Governors of states and mayors of major cities have protection details that are as well armed and trained as federal agents
Gee... It's almost like Homan rules the world and makes up laws as he goes. If "harboring" migrants in your home is illegal suggest Homan The Great round up every farmer in the country as they all employ migrants.
various Obama staffers spent the weeks after the 2024 Election on social media claiming that Democrats had lost bc they abandoned the Obama issue positioning; so I asked them how come Democrats had so many fewer congressional and state legislative and governor seats after 2014 and 2016; no response
I understand that they like Obama bc they worked for him; but it's ridiculous how they just pretend as if Democrats were not eviscerated downballot when Obama was the undisputed leader of the party for 8 straight years
many of them worked in the white house in 2010 and 2014!
Democrats very much had not abandoned the Obama messaging and issue positioning in 2014 - he was the incumbent President! - though he was so unpopular that no Democrat in a competitive election would be seen near him in late 2014
Barack Obama deported more people than any other president in American history (over 3 million), so it ‘makes sense’ that Thomas Homan would be in the presidential administration which is horrifyingly trying to go beyond such numbers.
It's amazing how many times over the last five weeks thought "Eric comes" has crossed my mind, followed immediately by the realization that this is still just the beginning.
He also looks like, and is as smart as, a thumb. He's despicable. And dangerous. But put in front of people asking questions (like a judge) he will fall apart.
Dear friends, I am talking to you from Gaza, in which we were subjected to a devastating war in which we lost everything we have, we ask you to participate and donate to start our lives again. You are the only hope, please https://www.gofundme.com/f/56mx4-help-me-to-reunion-with-my-family
Had they not done so, they might have had fewer total nationwide seats than at any point since the 1920s...would have been a disaster
many of them worked in the white house in 2010 and 2014!
(No disrespect to sex workers, intended)
Homan is number 2.