I think what anti-SW people really object to about "sex work is work" isn't what it implies about sex work but what it implies about all other work
There's something really ominous about people who argue that if we acknowledge that sex work is work, we're opening the door to legalized sexual harassment.
Why would you think sex workers not being criminals means you can force someone into sex acts at any workplace, including SWs workplaces?
Why would you think sex workers not being criminals means you can force someone into sex acts at any workplace, including SWs workplaces?
so trust me when I say that sex isn't as big of a deal for them as it is for you
hell, I only ever did it a couple times when I needed cash quickly, but I can say the same
sex is whatever
but not everyone has a strong emotional response to sex
it only becomes a problem when you try to enforce your personal preference on others instead of helping improve their working conditions so they can be safer.
He can even come up with an unrelated excuse to fire you if you turn down his advances.
Any time there's a power imbalance and a need exploitation can exist bestie
We'd hear it from the people of the town
They'd call us gypsies, tramps, and thieves
***But every night all the men would come around
And lay their money down***
One day, I wore the jacket to my “job,” which was an internship.
A higher-up saw my pin, looked at me and said, “But prostitutes get paid.”
Yea, that freaks ppl who've bought into the system out a Lot.
I thought you'd need to do, like, contractor invoicing or someshit.
Promotion? Well…. It’s legal, I can pay you for xyz
I don’t expect you to order a gin + tonic from me on the job - or anywhere - despite bartending + alcohol being legal
In fact, you’d be harassing me
Sex work, just by virtue of being a legal profession, wouldn’t enjoy a legal, free-for-all loophole applicable to every human
“The argument is that any one sexually harassing their workers could easily state that since sex work was legal, it was merely a legal proposition and not harassment at all”
I read the same
Mine was a response to THAT argument
With no projections on reader acuity
Saying "Brain surgery is work" wouldn't suddenly mean bosses can demand their underlings remove an aneurysm.
But then again, logic is lost on people who think they're superior to others.