So I've been trying out different ways to render latex, different brushes, approaches, etc.
Very curious to hear which one you prefer and (maybe) why ? Personally I'm really enjoying number 3 but idkkkk it's interesting to experiment like this tho :3
Very curious to hear which one you prefer and (maybe) why ? Personally I'm really enjoying number 3 but idkkkk it's interesting to experiment like this tho :3
I'd say 'it depends', depends on the surroundings, light source, etc.
3 is the most contrast & stylized of course
But I love 1 the most as I feel it captures the range of depth that latex has, from the super bright highlights and shine to the deep shadow, the best
2 looks like.....more used latex which has some hot implications
and 4 looks new and squeaky
They're all pretty good tho
1 feels a bit more realistic and 4 more toony.
I could see all of these being used in different circumstances to give different vibes.
If you plan to put scenes with latex in different environment and/or show wet/dry latex, all these styles can be useful for each case.
I just see each one as a different material or the lighting they are in.
they are all honestly cool.
#2 kinds strikes me as "monochrome" (?)
2 for the dull black and lighting