the only impediment is that billionaires are running the government, and are sacrosanct to the gop. its all about taking from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich. we outnumber them 100 to 1. the real problem is that there is no resistance from the masses to stop this.
Well… if the stock market keeps spiralling downward… the 1% may find themselves on the broke list! Watching that bitcoin make circles around the bowl! 🚽
Instead of paying them to destroy our entire system of government… I say we also should cease paying for the high end, solid platinum Healthcare we handout to congress…if they want healthcare, theyshould be put on straight Medicaid insurance! Or… they can suck it up and pay in full for private HC!
Can we just do that? It doesn't seem that long ago that things were different. It also seems like a lot of this is made up, and only enforced out of social politeness. Politeness. Don't we just have things the way we want? We're going to need to fight and help each other.
But what about the billionares! Will no one think of them?