I'm LoS and I am TOO chatty! I have finally finished a drawing this past week, and I am gonna throw some WIPs up to make it look like I am more productive than I actually am
Welcome to the share! Love to see you all here
Welcome to the share! Love to see you all here
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every week youre killing it! slow this week or last, you never miss!
absolutely adore everything here, dangit!💜
Love the way the tongue curls around her body
Those other WIPs are great, too. Third ones taking size difference to new heights, lol.
I love seeing WIPs, and this is no exception. The design is coming along great
You could never be too chatty my friend~ you know you’re a community darling at this point 🥰. I think everybody appreciates your posts as much as I do~ 💕
All of your works are lovely as always~ but I love how the third piece is coming along~
And yes, whenever I dont have any new art, its OOPS ALL WIPS
I've been doing that a lot lately
One day I will finish it I swear
Its hard to draw what you SEE, versus what you THINK you see, if that makes sense?
I cant WAIT to be done with all the homebuying mess 🤣
Inking is something I spent a lot of time self conscious about, but the past few years I have been leaning into it because it is literally my favorite part of drawing
And hoping I get that third one finished this week, since my stresses should be a bit lower (finally)
Also hope your stress goes down, thats the most important part 💖
Knocking it out of the park this time LoS!