Jesus christ.
*Dems make a speech*
"that does nothing!"
*Dems draft legislation*
"that does nothing!"
*Dems (hypothetically) draft articles of impeachment*
"that does nothing!"
*Dems delay (but not stop) nominations*
"that doesn't solve the problem!"
*Dems make a speech*
"that does nothing!"
*Dems draft legislation*
"that does nothing!"
*Dems (hypothetically) draft articles of impeachment*
"that does nothing!"
*Dems delay (but not stop) nominations*
"that doesn't solve the problem!"
Reposted from
Michael Paulauski♨️
I'm so confused, just yesterday people were saying that Dems should propose legislation even if it went nowhere because it would make noise.
Now they're supposed to "demand" something from the "authorities"? Trump and Co. *are* the authorities! WTF?
Now they're supposed to "demand" something from the "authorities"? Trump and Co. *are* the authorities! WTF?
The only things that can stop them at this point are courts and Congress, again, controlled by Republicans.
I've seen this movie!
Because nobody knows what they want Dems to do, they just want bad things to stop.
Well, we tried to warn you in November. You didn't believe us.
*Dems do this*
Now they’re doom posting the world is ending. But it’s not ending. Things are going to be fucked up for a good long while but there will be another election in 2026.
Block them or view your mutuals only. I can't take the general population on here most of the time. There is a feed to only see those you follow and who follow you. Choose peace!
Wired: "wHy ArEn'T tHe dEmOcRaTs DoInG sOmEtHiNg!?!?1?"
The Gerald R. Ford deployment ensured that it would not occur. If Israel were intent on committing it, one could say that they weren't very good at it. They're the ones that could have but didn't.
The 30 year republican / faux noise smear campaign & deep rooted American misogyny had absolutely nothing to do with the result.
The party needs criticism! Just make sure it’s good!
The problem isn't that Congress is letting people get nominated, it's that they're *not stopping the bad things the executive is already doing*.
And they should be issued a blunt “Ramp it up yourselves or STFU.”