Loser, coward, revoke his title!! In fact, revoke ALL GOP reps of their title. NOT ONE is holding up their OATH to represent the best interest of their constituents. 🤬🤬
Can’t have the wage slaves expecting a time after providing for your overlords.
That is supposed to mean something to you. Quit bothering to plan on an escape, and quit trying to become something else you don’t need schooling
Is he pointing to that crab's nest salad of a brain?
You can work after you go on SSI, but it is limited
They can chose to not collect SSI, to postpone it
What this goober wants is to force people to work longer
BYW this guy has his Congressional retirement to fall back on and job security unless
and they don’t give a 💩
We need to vote them out!!!!
So they can learn to deal with finding a job at age 65 😡
That is supposed to mean something to you. Quit bothering to plan on an escape, and quit trying to become something else you don’t need schooling
You can work after you go on SSI, but it is limited
They can chose to not collect SSI, to postpone it
What this goober wants is to force people to work longer
BYW this guy has his Congressional retirement to fall back on and job security unless
"Teacher, I personally could use more practice on this unit."
"Ok, I'll give the entire class more homework for the rest of the year."
Fuck you!
Give these traitors NO QUARTER & NO PEACE