Shared with my by an NWS Meteorologist:
NWS is potentially in trouble. We are struggling to get our public safety exemption approved from higher ups in the government. Without the exemption, we could face steep cuts. 1/2
NWS is potentially in trouble. We are struggling to get our public safety exemption approved from higher ups in the government. Without the exemption, we could face steep cuts. 1/2
And y’all kept me safe throughout my 26-year field career. Thank you.
Look at our healthcare! People die because of private profiteering!
I know it seems futile but call you senators & representatives no matter red blue or purple
We don’t want profiteers in our essential services, they don’t care about people’s lives only profits
In Trump’s view, every public service is an opportunity for making money. If it doesn’t make money, it’s useless. That includes people. That belief is behind cuts to all social safety programs. Act accordingly.
Whoever thought up THAT idea might needs to have their metabolic processes stopped.
We are not too far from captains canceling flights because they can't trust their weather information.