Joe Schmoe. It's about a contestant who is the only one that doesn't realize everything else is scripted even his co-stars have scripts. He's the only one that doesn't know what's going on.
Joe Millionaire, maybe?
Women compete for the affection of a rich bachelor...or so they think.
The reality is that he isn't actually rich but is, in fact, an Average Joe.
The Swan is definitely the epitome of trash, promoting body shaming and cosmetic surgery. Any other that played with that thematic was garbage as well, and I'm including those beauty pageant ones in there.
It's an old one, but definitely bottom level - Joe Millionaire (2003). They told a bunch of women that the guy they were competing for was a millionaire, when actually he was just a regular working class guy.
Don't remember the name of the show but it was a dating show where like 10 guys tried to win the affection of a woman.
Just to reveal at the end that she's trans.
Almost forgot, the show was from the early 00's so people wasn't so knowledgeable about or comfortable around trans people like today.
Women compete for the affection of a rich bachelor...or so they think.
The reality is that he isn't actually rich but is, in fact, an Average Joe.
The thing I found fucked was the casting process where they tested who would be gullible enough to not suspect it was all bullshit.
Just to reveal at the end that she's trans.
Almost forgot, the show was from the early 00's so people wasn't so knowledgeable about or comfortable around trans people like today.