Foxes are still being hunted nearly 20 years after the Hunting Act! Loopholes like “trail hunting” allow hunts to continue killing wildlife with impunity. This is a disgrace.
It’s time to end ALL hunting for good.
It’s time to end ALL hunting for good.
Cause it almost sounds like you go off the deep end there at the end
From the animal’s standpoint I think being shot through the heart beats being eaten alive by a coyote, so a win/win.
They chase a human scent not all hunts kill
100% AGAINST Fox hunting
The issue ( to me ) Is disrespectful and mass hunting
Outlaw recreational hunting, but also hire volunteer agents to monitor and manage local wildlife
If you have ever seen a fox that has been infected with Sarcoptes scabiei, you never forget it. They basically scratch themselves to death, and die from cold and starvation over a period of a couple of months. That is a gruesome death.
Death is certain. A slow, painful death is not.