It’s more than that Richard
Starting with the criteria used to recruit them here
The curriculum (it’s essentially a PgDip not a masters - the masters component is a dissertation)
How they are being used to replace doctors
Intentionally being left unregulated for 20 years etc etc
Starting with the criteria used to recruit them here
The curriculum (it’s essentially a PgDip not a masters - the masters component is a dissertation)
How they are being used to replace doctors
Intentionally being left unregulated for 20 years etc etc
That is a real risk yes.
I know someone will answer this - in fact I’ll point a couple of the right people to do so
But I think I just realised I don’t want to talk about the death of the NHS on here
But Richard- you get it - it’s crazy
They have said any prescriptions you sign off you should be sure as that will be ur responsibility
And pointed to what GMC say about delegation saying u should be sure the HCP u delegate to is competent to do the task
But GPs do ultimately take liability unless they can show the HCP was personally negligent
For example when a salaried GP makes a mistake which is grossly negligent, the claimants may name both GP & the practice on the court filings. Do GP employers would always carry liability for this I think
Also in court GP maybe asked as to why their PA was working outside RCGP guidelines
Though the guidelines is not legally enforceable,I think supervising GPs should ignore it at their own peril
I think its only recently that medicolegal lawyers have taken notice &are touting for cases