Morning Bluesky.
Kamala Harris did everything she needed to do in the debate and more. She came out of it clearly the far stronger candidate.
On to the final stretch. And this won’t hurt.
Kamala Harris did everything she needed to do in the debate and more. She came out of it clearly the far stronger candidate.
On to the final stretch. And this won’t hurt.
Harris epitomized everything he is.
She literally destroyed him. She deconstructed him.
She shredded him.
Make Trump history ⬇️
But America has been here before. Hopefully better prepared.
And Biden is still POTUS 👍
Interestingly, he admitted he lost by 'a whisker' last week and tried to back track on that last night on the debate.
He's a Loser45 !
Surely CNN are talking bollocks 😁
Perhaps you misspelled "Tantrum Trump".
Let’s see if he really does punish ABC -he’s forgotten he’s not the President anymore.
The re-release of "Look What You Made Me Do" is a banger 😀🎵
"I don't like your little games
Don't like your tilted stage
The role you made me play of the fool
No, I don't like you"
I hope it translates to votes in November.
I cannot understand how a convicted felon is the best the Republican Party can offer??
Taylor Swift's statement was perfect timing for her endorsement of KH 💙
Well done Taylor 🤩
Taylor will need that private jet to flee the country if his coup succeeds.
Perfect Pitch.
A true musician.
I don't understand how any American could vote for the felon rapist traitor donald tRump.