Beware--there are more and more of these inauthentic accounts flooding to BlueSky now. They pose as climate doomers but are actually doing the work of polluters by attacking climate advocates and dividing the climate advocacy community. Block and report them when you encounter them:
If you are sincerely interested in climate science broaden your field of inquiry!
You blindly following Michael 's errors is another sad statement
On humanity.
We are simply and utterly too stupid to survive and you see it everyday!
1) if there is a son in their bio they have been on blue sky less than six days Nope!
2) how many posts have they made? Less than a couple hundred? Nope
3) they’re not followed by any accounts I recognize. Nope
4) got an old guy with a picture of an animal in his profile? Nope
Our society (our way of life) is leading an all out assault on nature. Peddling the replacement of all fossil fuels by renewables is a part of that. The predicament is our global industrial civilisation.
Remember one of Bluesky's mods fuckin hates trans people too, so be extra diligent.
The association is that we simply couldn’t *live* without endless techno-industrial and financial growth.
Mention ecological overshoot and the related energy/debt/economic implications & get blocked