I’ve noticed that a lot of the homes with Trump flags/signs displayed around here do NOT have an American flag also displayed. I find that very interesting.
It’s crazy that most don’t know what it is. They are calling it a swastika or just dismiss it as a Jewish cross and it’s neither. It’s another symbol of hate the preceded Nazis
He wasn’t even a flag officer. He had no stars on his collar. He was just some regular jag-off officer. He doesn’t have near the experience needed to head the pentagon. Our military is so fucked.
Pete Hegseth has a proud boys tattoo on his arm, his own national guard unit reported him as a “credible threat” and he was removed from duty because the national guard wasn’t sure which side he was working for.
The crusades thing is nearly as douchey as guys with the Spartan tattoos. It's like "easy there guy, you wouldn't last 6 hours in those cultures and battles"
He’d be ineligible to join the military with that tattoo. My kid had a DNA strand and candy corn tattoo and it had to be “reviewed” before he could be sworn in. 😳
If I ever got a crusades tattoo on my chest it would prolly be Bohemond I or Godfrey of Bouillon (who also invented the stock cube) - two of my favorite Frankish princes. But then again, I'd never get a Crusades tattoo.
Pete Hegseth wants to get rid of women in the military. Here in Pensacola NAS they just appointed a women in charge of the base, also just gave silver star to a women fighter pilot. What is his problem?
Even on Veterans Day they have the Trump flag flying.
He is unqualified!
Got your feed on my mail~
How disingenuous.
There's a reason both designs are used by white supremacist hate groups--and they have nothing to do w Crusades or Hinduism.