Over the years, I've taught a lot of women how to protect themselves. What I focus on is the psychology of violence. Namely, the ability to be someone the criminal initially views as a victim, who can instantly shift into a predator role before the criminal realizes it has happened.
Given your reach…is there anyway you can discourage fellow content creators of posting photos of the buffoon. We all know what he looks like, it serves no purpose whatsoever and it just spikes my anxiety. Thanks!
Yea i guess you are doing right
Convince them to braindead liberals that will vote their gun rights and police safety
To capitalize on it
You are smart
This thread just shows men have no idea about women's reality.
Change your password now
Please let your followers know
When this is the case, all the physical skills they have acquired have, for the most part, been negated.
A woman's ability to survive an attacker is 90% mental and 10% physical. The 10% that...
The 90% that allows you to survive and go home to your family is what happens between your ears, that is responsible for the aggressive...
I hate the words "Self-defense." Why? Right from the start, it facilitates someone seeing themselves as the "victim" who is just trying to survive, and, and on defense
When simply surviving is the goal...we are not going to be able to deliver. The moment someone has indicated they are a threat to me, my mind instantly switches to....
….everyone who has heard the scream has fallen down from shock.
I feel bad that I scared them but it is also very empowering.
So, folks, learn to scream from the diaphragm.
The condescending victim blaming and mansplaining in ghis thread is off the chart. Men really think women are idiots, don't you?
It's fun and helps a lot in dangerous situations.
Then I found out it was people underestimating me 😻
I am 4 foot 10 😉
Anytime I assert myself people act like they’re scared as hell of me