Joe & Mika sittin’ on a fence
Trump won the election
They’ve been scared ever since
I stopped watching
A long time ago
No more Mika
No more Joe
Trump won the election
They’ve been scared ever since
I stopped watching
A long time ago
No more Mika
No more Joe
When they first normalized the king of mean.
Joes little accent is surely the worst
They kiss left, they kiss right
They kiss the butt that keeps us up at night
As soon as the internet came into existence, l have sought out my own news based on my 2 years of journalism classes in high school since that's what l thought l wanted to be in high school
Corporate Media is just that PROPAGANDA
And remember 2016, he and Mika were kissing Trump's *ss....
Please tell me I'm dreaming...
Lesson One.
I don’t see a way forward for liberal media unless we have liberal ownership of the media. We know that WaPo, the LA Times, & NY Times have been reigned in by their conservative masters and their fear of Trump reprisals
The Air America radio network was the only liberal owned media company. Rachel Maddow got her start there.
They ran out of money and folded.
and now you know it
now make up some mo
you are now a poet ho .😜
And if you’re splainin’, you’re losin’.
That MSM just doesn’t care
They crave ratings and indulge in hypocrisy
They have helped usher in the fall of democracy
Two good choices we can make
Stop watching legacy media and eat some cake!
Like a wet towel
Now you hear them howl
Like an empty bowel
Feed me, see me, watch me
It wasn’t like it seems! (Sorry, I suck at rhyming 🙈)
That's the thing gets me.
Didn't know at the time what she was rambling about.
It didn't inspire me to start watching again when I found out.
Oh and the Guardian.
With every breath fucking lying
Kissed Trumps feet
Licked his balls
Watch their ratings fall and fall
to fetch a hail of viewers.
Kamala fell down,
and broke the Dems crowd.
And MSNBC went scrambling after,
the orange skunk.
I gave up CNN years ago.
I simply don’t watch cable ‘news’ AT ALL
On Facebook, deleted all Maga’s.
Yesterday I canceled my subscription to Hulu bundle.
Roku is enough, along with other streaming services.