Who could have seen this coming? ✋
Reposted from
Phil Williams
FROM CNN: The FBI is preparing to disband a team of specialists charged with combating foreign threats to US elections, a source familiar tells CNN. www.cnn.com/politics/liv...
Let’s keep showing our numbers! Let’s make sure to be on the correct side of history!
We must shout fascism and call out this dictatorship every single day!
Let’s make sure we have a community to feel safe in! Sign and share!
Assuming these docs aren’t destroyed
You don't take a knife to a gunfight. Period.
Each hour which passes unrestrained weakens our Constitution!
General William Tecumseh Sherman. Anyone remember him?
The history:
The San Francisco federal building sit-in, the only one that endured, lasted 28 days. It began with a rally outside the federal building, then inside, where people REMAINED.
It's become the CULT of TRUMP. As he blows up the lives of Americans and others across the globe, understand this - he does NOT care. DJT is a functionally illiterate emotionally broken child.
Call for 25th Amendment. NOW. Long past time
Remember how they laundered money through Trump's properties. Through the NRA?
Trump wouldn’t want anyone to know he stole the election.
Butcher of Lyon.
are they just "letting coup succeed"?
Wasn't that, their f*cking Job to prevent??
If not, then Who? The Girl Scouts?
..damn Mormons, anyway..80% are,
since they're near the only people who
could pass the drug questions on
a lie detector/or a pee test..jus ask Figliuzzi.
enabling them to "win" thru cheating & stealing.
Trump in a rally: "I don't need your votes in the election. We'll WIN". Trump KNEW the strategy involving Russia's 'influence' [over 67 bomb hoaxes->evacuation time to hack voting machines] in ALL swing states.
Now that their Party is too scared to speak out.
And they are actually doing it