In a crisis, you must be willing to do things you've never done before. You have to have the behavioral flexibility to respond intentionally vs. react.
The best practice for this? To be able to do things you've never done before, you need to start doing things you've never done before.
The best practice for this? To be able to do things you've never done before, you need to start doing things you've never done before.
Figure it out now.
I still grieve for one of my students whose horror over the fate of the "chai boys" haunts me. He could not stop what happened to them, & I could not warn my students of such evil in the world.
Never too late
To be willing to do things you've never down before requires you move out of your comfort zone and make that non-comfort zone a zone you work from to do what you require to do what you need to do to improve your situation.
I tend to react.
I think a lot of people might have similar urges, but don't even know where to start.
Luckily, uprooting my life and moving overseas is something I've done several times before. That experience is handy now.
You're gonna have to fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore!
For once... Get up off your asses and fight! I see and hear a lot of people wanting to piss and moan and bitch about it! And right there is something you've never done before! Put your asses where your mouths are! Get out there, and pick a fight!🤛
He doesn't have the cajones. Being a convicted felon, he needs special permission from the PM. That's fun to think about too.
I pray your Maple MAGAts do not get power over your country.
Watching them flip out in your rear view is DELICIOUS
CANT do the same ole when fighting an evil empire!
You should decide now how it's going to go down.
Can you -really- do it?
Not happy. At all. Fuck this shit.
A creative resistance can combat violence before it starts
Assess what you can do and can not do.
Find your tribe and check in often. Make a ✔️ survival list.
Learn something new.
And have plan A, B, and last resort.
And, remember, current situation is fluid and will remain so for the nearby future. Be prepared.
Together we can! 💙
They have been hearing THOUSANDS of these calls and want to get off the phone quickly. More likely you’ll get to voicemail anyway.
I refuse to make any purchases that are not essential to life (coffee is essential in my life).
I have pledged to strike 3/15.
I am preparing 3 new garden beds for food.
I am not going back.
But I bet you had fun!
Gay clubs are a blast!
I’m a cis het woman but I LOVE gay clubs!
We’re still friends.😊
Bottom line - we’re none of us going to avoid death eventually.
Accept that and the rest is easy.
Get involved, get in the fight
It’s harder but more fulfilling to keep one’s own composure. If you control your emotions you control everyone’s. FIGHT!
Don't put it off
He laughs saying how long do you think my prison sentence is going to be?
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.
Mostly trouble if you aren't trained and practiced.
The best strategy is to always run away if you can.
I have no desire to use this tool on people. But - the bottom line is - I will if I have to. I fucking hate that.
Is that what we're talking about?