They can be easily pleased by Trump and Elon. It's a very simple strategy: take two steps forward and then one step back. That one step back will satisfy the people at the town hall, and they won't realize that there were two steps forward.
Yes! I have been badgering my Senators to get with it! I am in a very liberal state with a lot of "red" counties. There are plenty of places they can hold Town Hall meetings!
“In a time of cowards and traitors, showing up and fighting back makes you a hero. Every voice in those halls drowns out the lies of the fascists. Keep standing, keep shouting—democracy depends on it. 🔥”
The people attending town hall meeting in red districts voted for Donnie von Shitzinpants & the MAGA people representing their districts. THEY ARE NOT HEROES! Not now, not ever. They knew what they're voting for, and they got it. Those greedy fucks are just pissed because it's happening to them.
I'm still trying to get Jamie Comer to do a town hall. I have an online petition and we've been going to his Paducah every Thursday. No response. A guy that writes for the AFL-CIO newsletter has done a story about it. He wants me to wear a chicken suit to his office. I just might. 😂
Nope.The real heroes are those who approve "Promises Made,Promises Kept."No quarter given no looking back.This is the America we the majority voted for.The Town Hall meeting on the 5 November was a resounding victory!
Proud to say I went to one to boo my senator and the dude left after 20 mins when pressed about DOGE. I spent longer in the car driving there than he did answering questions. Marshall is a coward!
Mine was higher than ever at my doctors visit. Trump is making America sick. My husband can’t watch the news anymore going a step further than me-I stopped watching during trumps first term but I get the AP and keep up online. That way I don’t have to hear trumps voice as much. Can’t stand a liar!
🤣🤣🤣The only Democrat supporters that show up in town hall meetings have purple hair screaming about how gay they are and how they are the most important people in society! 👀🍿
This is all internal. We're all watching you all do nothing! My people fought the army over a golf course. It's odd to watch you watch your country fall apart.
We shouldn’t be leading this uprising. Our elected representatives MUST be the ones who are front & center. They are MIA right now, & have been for MONTHS, while DC is quickly being destroyed from within. WHY WON’T THEY SAY SOMETHING, ANYTHING?? I just don’t understand it unless they’re complicit.
I was at McCormick’s town hall in Roswell, Georgia. He deflected and danced around some of the questions, refusing to answer anything about the tax cuts. He is a co-sponsor of the SAVE Act and said he didn’t even know what was in it!
This was at our “democratic” congressperson first town hall in Leesburg. He voted for Laken Riley and ICC Sanctions and told us he can’t do anything because we don’t have a majority 🤷♀️
Can we stop licking the boots of the American voter? This is all their fault. They did this. The literal least they can do is get slightly miffed and inconvenienced at a town hall. This is all your countries fault. Shame on all of you for normalising it.
Here in FloriDUH, we can't get Greg Steube to hold one. Call, post shit on his FB page, etc. It's Maga Hell. Joe Gruters, Rick Scott, Gov. Desatan... They can't hear us. They're all up Trump's ass.
And other protests. Doing my part. Did Tesla protest Sat and have Mon and Tuesday events lined up. Met very nice like minded ppl, everyone should do what they can. Also 5Calls app.
Great story, but most of the videos I’ve seen are MAGA asshats finding out that they were too stupid to listen to us. They deserve all the terrible things that are going to happen to them at the hands of their own party.
They’re the trump voters who are finally realizing that he doesn’t care about them. I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who voted for him, but I am glad that they’re speaking up at the Town Hall meetings. We need more of that.
And the Vermonters who showed up to tell Vance that he can enjoy his ski vacation when the rest of America can enjoy our democracy, and the people protesting outside Tesla showrooms and in support of Ukraine, all across America.
Right On! That's why they will cease to be had by the MAGAt Congress members. They will have to be dragged out of their Sanctuaries to be seen face to face. Such Cowardice!
Hi Mr. Hopkins, I’m Zach Kahn, a high schooler from Charlotte. I started a petition urging Sen. Tillis to hold a town hall—he supports Ukraine but won’t address Trump’s Russia rhetoric. It’s gained 600+ signatures. Would you be interested in promoting this? Let me know!
republicans in those town halls meeting created that mother fucker trump
they ain’t no heroes
The bullshit is in their faces now they got no choice but to smell and taste that sht
Let em eat sht and every person actively against Kamala
Yes and many are the fools duped into voting for a fascist and now seem like they’re beginning to comprehend a social democracy!
Fire services
Social security
Consumer Protection
Public health
Universal education
Safety nets
Environmental Protection
Are they, tho? These are MAGA people complaining to the manager en masse that the dystopian revenge fantasy they ordered was wrong. If these same people were profiting from Trump's destruction of our society they wouldn't say word. These are useful idiots, never forget that.
Yup and how do we know it works? Hump spews about it on social media. Says, “It’s not gonna work” Wah fucking wah! Every time he throws a mantrum, we know his thin skin has been punctured.
I can’t believe how many are their on voters! I guess if you chip away long enough the cliff will fall! You know after WWII Republicans lost so much and 40 years of holding house and senate. Time for that again!
At some point, a charismatic leader is going to emerge from one of those, and within a couple of years, the Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumers of the world are going to be wondering how they lost their party to that person.
Um, no, not really. Those are Republicans who didn't listen and now regret their vote. They are cleaning up their mess, but they don't get to be called heroes.
The Black people understand because they have to fight for the American ideals every GD day. Everyone else definitely asleep but many are waking up…finally. It’s the real meaning of woke. That we are being robbed of our way of life.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Id duck those meetings too if I was a GOP politician. Either your constituents maul you over your not talking about Trumps fuckery or Trump hears of your disloyalty and makes it a point to fuck you.
I'd just say I have bird flu or some shit.
For the next 4 years
I've seen every town hall meeting I can. The Republican politicians are panicking. Another interesting thing I noticed. All those attending are white! I haven't seen one Black or brown person. And most likely no LGBTQ. This is their base. Full of rage. White rage. So refreshing to see!
Ask him please to talk to purple senators and reps about coming over from the dark side. 47 allowed a Rusdian state reporter into that meeting. First time in decades ...
and i know certain dems are taking it upon themselves to continue the fight and messaging accordingly…just wish this was being driven top down by schumer / jeffries (and that book tour of his was NOT it)
If they let us down it will never be forgiven. There will never be a better time to get out there and do it than now. They should also be planning impeachment proceedings
They need to get the truth out, in both red and blue districts. Say it loud and proud!!! It’s time RIGHT NOW!! They can’t wait any longer. They MUST ACT NOW!! Please hear us Dems! Now! Act and act fast to speak truth to all their lies!! Please!!! We’re begging!
🎶Real American Heroes🎶
Here’s to you, Teresa Borrenpohl…for showing up at that town hall meeting and making Republicans scared to ever have one again…
Do what you can. Even if it seems small and insignificant. Even informing a coworker as to what's going on is a big help. Everything counts.
Except the ones with hearses.
Never back down.
Keep on going to them & show your fellow americans just how CHICKEN these republicans really are.
They can't even face their own constituents!
They don't deserve your loyalty.
Asking for a friend (shh. Asking for myself.).
Got Just @35% of the votes out of @245 Million Eligible Voters!
Register To Vote, Monitor Your Voter Registration Status, and VOTE-In EVERY Local, Regional, State, and National Election!
We're ready to fuck shit up if it comes to that, and they know.
An empty suit isn’t going to show up and save you, there’s no black SUV coming to arrest the opposition.
We will fight inch by inch, block by block, acreage by section by country road… resist
Vast majority of the people attending and speaking up are women
But damn they were heroic … and spreading the courage to stand up too
Ps…lots of heroics from lawyers and journalists and judges and people in Vermont and at tesla protests
Is he disrespecting Vermont?
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
they ain’t no heroes
The bullshit is in their faces now they got no choice but to smell and taste that sht
Let em eat sht and every person actively against Kamala
Leadership and lack of it ..
Fire services
Social security
Consumer Protection
Public health
Universal education
Safety nets
Environmental Protection
Is that a Star Wars thing?
You’ve got the wrong guy.
Bless your heart.
Depose Trump, prosecute the Reichists.
Yeah, we got the power, we just have to organize.
I’ve put in 5 requests to my House rep, Mark Amodei (R NV) to do a town hall. 🦗🦗🦗
The revolution will not happen inside the DC beltway.
BUT I think a voting audit is extremely necessary to make sure it can’t happen again. Just like we investigated Russian interference in 2016.
I'd just say I have bird flu or some shit.
For the next 4 years
time to fill that void dems!!! don’t stay silent when there’s a desperate need for sane voices right now