Stop waiting for "organizers". These are movements. Just show up. When organization takes ownership of a protest they're obligated by law to file permits & adhere to additional requirements based on crowd size also liable for damages & injuries. Why the hell are we following rules when regime isnt?
So scattershot protests? Good luck with that.
That’s what we had on Pennsylvania Avenue Tuesday night instead of the 50K people from the DMV who would have shown if organized to do so.
Hold a sign. Stand at a busy intersection. Sure it's easier to protest with others but being a lone protestor is powerful. We all need to get over being uncomfortable taking a stance & yelling in public. People will flip you off or yell nasty things but they wont forget that you were protesting.
Jack, please stop promoting this. There’s no doubt the gravy seals will show up and spill blood. No chance of peaceful protest. I hate it, but it’s where we are.
I’m just terribly worried what #maga will do to the protesters. I’m worried what #Trump will do to the protesters. I’d bet dollars to donuts that there will be violence.
Maybe. But it's either that or sit silently by and allow them to continue doing what they're doing. It's really that simple. A protest probably won't even impact them, but they need to know vast numbers of the population are not on board with becoming serfs again.
Threatening us into submission is exactly what they want. There is no such thing as a bloodless revolution. Americans always talk about bravery and sacrifice, well now is the time to show it. It will never get any easier
That’s what we had on Pennsylvania Avenue Tuesday night instead of the 50K people from the DMV who would have shown if organized to do so.
If you’re in a blue state or district, you can always go to a red one nearby.
I'm thinking let's get more creative and go Larry Kramer on their asses.