The greatest war against Americans in my lifetime (and I'll be 59 in a couple of weeks) is being waged right now...from Washington, D.C.
The core of the problem is in Florida. They all feel safe there. Behind the walls of Mar a Lago
Take away their refuge.
Live in Floriduh and Gov Mo-Ron inserting fascist lackies into the college and university systems to keep an eye on them. This is part of Koch bros turn towards local and state governments to turn everything conservative.
Harassment pure and simple. Absolute bullshit.
1) Now we all need to pray like never before that
Supreme Court Justice
Sonia Sotomayor stays healthy!!
2) Don't for a min think that 🍊 won't have tanks in the streets soon rounding up protestors.
He's having a great time!
He'll pull out all of "his" toys soon.
From within…
Our founders knew…!!!
Resistance is paramount.
When I got divorced, had good credit and need a loan for a car,I was told I had no credit that only the men did.
People that don't care are ignorant. They are destroying where they live and don't care
A conservative-led effort to appropriate all the resources, power, wealth and minds they possibly can and for what? What they believe is Armageddon, an event they deeply misunderstand.
The students/parents need to forcefully push back.
The school is stuck between the regime and their students/parents. Trump gave schools a reason to side with him. Now it’s the students turn.
based in paranoia
to attack Jewish people/ Europe
- many had advanced education/degrees
- & supported
"culture + the arts"
We the people
have to fight back HARD❕
- any similar scalpel
deciding who should NOT be educated
- any attacks on education itself
I watched Reagan damage CA and saw the mental institutions emptied. I buried friends from HIV!
This is worse!