"But what about China's coal plants?" Turns out, with their renewable & nuclear building boom, China's power grid is now actually cleaner (in both clean energy share and CO2 emissions intensity metrics) than several regions of the US grid, and improving faster
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Nuclear power is low carbon but it isn’t β€œclean.” Plutonium, strontium, cesium are deadly not β€œclean.” Waste isn’t β€œclean” either. Propaganda term.
Nuke waste should stay in China.

CO2 waste collectivizes costs to the rest of the world.
It's notable that, given the pervasive leakage of methane in the US, fossil gas generation in the US is probably nearly as bad as Chinese coal for greenhouse gas emissions.
And we will get WORSE since the Trump admin is obviously trying to kill any green energy and increase pollution in the name of oil profits.
"Several regions"? How about an apples to apples comparison and look at the entire US electrical network instead of data mining for the preferred answer.
You didn't look at the attachments, did you?
I did and they showed the US grid overall is cleaner than China's.
Awesome! You're able to read a graph!

Why didn't you read the graph first?
My original comment stands. Why are you acting like a Jenkins fanboy?
Your original comment indicates you didn't read the graphs attached to the OP.

If you DID read them first, I would ask why you chose to respond in a way that made you look stupid.

Either way, your original comment was annoying and out of line.
more solar. MOAR WINDMILLS!!