On my morning call to Ryan Zinke's office, I asked when Zinke's next public meeting was going to be. I don't remember if he said Monday, March 3 or Monday March 10.
But here's the catch. It's a VIRTUAL town hall meeting hosted by Aaron Flint on his morning radio show, Montana Talks.
On my morning call to Ryan Zinke's office, I asked when Zinke's next public meeting was going to be. I don't remember if he said Monday, March 3 or Monday March 10.
But here's the catch. It's a VIRTUAL town hall meeting hosted by Aaron Flint on his morning radio show, Montana Talks.
I told the staffer that wasn't a town hall, it was a carefully scripted radio propaganda show that would only allow ideology that was acceptable to Aaron Flint, who used to be a comms staff for Zinke.
I told him the only MT politician in the last decade with enough courage to have an unscripted, face-to-face town hall meeting was Jon Tester.
I also told him that I hoped that Zinke was a better SEAL than he is a representative, and hopefully he wasn't as big of a coward then as he is now.