Afghanistan would be nice, too.
They also like the women completely subdued, and no immigrants, transgenders or wokes. Paradise for paschas with tiny balls and even tinier brains.
I resent you referring to them as followers of Jesus. They would not let him in this country. They should rot in Hell for what they have done and want to do.
The Bible is as abused as the Quran or any other religious text. How many in the USA carrying assault weapons and a bible, using the bible to suit their ideals?
“Civilisation and Religion are incompatible” and “Faith is believing what you know isn’t true.”
— Arthur C. Clarke
You mean the Constitution that allows any and everyone to buy and carry a gun and those guns that are sold and shipped by NRA supported companies all over the world, those guns that murder children by the thousands, on American soil... That Constitution???
White christan nationalism is a key component in fascism. Protest activities are forming against fascism for 2/17 all across America. Learn more at
It is imperative that schools incorporate this concept into their curriculum. Unfortunately, there are individuals who exhibit concerning behavior. Our children will bear the repercussions of their parents’ actions if we fail to provide them with proper education.
1st amendment : Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Exactly, I also add most of the Middle East, there isn’t ANY difference between the Middle East religious terrorists and the evangelical Christians in the US! Same hate for people they don’t like, same fanatics idolizing fairy tale characters! Or figures nobody has ever seen! Insanity
They aren't governing according to the Bible, just the opposite. They do, however, want people calling them religious so the cult is loyal. Nothing they do has anything to do with religion. Satan's spawn is more like it
130 million American adults read at or below a 6th grade level. That is almost 1/2 of the voting population. They are NOT going to be reading much of ANYTHING. In 2028, that number will grow to 150 million .... SMDH
Speaking of Hell on Earth, this is an AI generated image. I'm an artist who has watched its use take away jobs from creatives, having plundered our art, songs, poems & words. Until people realise they've lost not just their jobs, but their very soul to it, we'll have to keep screaming into the void.
When I realized they were gonna shred the Constitution, I bought my young nephews copies of the Constitition (and a couple extras) from the US Gov Bookstore and gave them, telling them it is the most important doc in American History. This past weekend, they told me it was their favorite book!💙
Muting your account, not because I disagree with you, but you are flooding my timeline with spam memes. Maybe try reducing quantity and focusing on quality?
They also like the women completely subdued, and no immigrants, transgenders or wokes. Paradise for paschas with tiny balls and even tinier brains.
The US IS evil.
Both the Old and New Testaments endorse the separation of Church and State. One would think that this would be obvious, but apparently not.
OT: Tribe of Levi vs Tribe of Judah
NT: "Render Unto Caesar"
they can’t
I'm pretty sure legal frameworks as a basis for the United States government are adorably archaic.
“Civilisation and Religion are incompatible” and “Faith is believing what you know isn’t true.”
— Arthur C. Clarke
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Freedom From Religion Foundation
American Civil Liberties Union
They need our support now more than ever.
I'm so fucking tired of hearing about it.
Same with Racists
Same with TechBros
We KNOW the Nazi enemy, we know they won’t change - why do we tolerate them among us?
It’s constitutional governance or you don’t belong.
It's such a fake nation, pretending it's great.
It's a fraud and I look forward to it's demise.
LET'S FLOOD THE ZONE with their worthless faces!
Thank you
Keep it free from tyranny 2025