Voting machines are as easy as sticking a usb with a code in it. Some even still use floppy discs. Righties were posting parts of it on twitter right in the open.
They already did. Musk is planting viruses into every governmental computer system. His hacker created a program called BallotProof. trump has already been saying that they will win the midterms handily. How's he know that?
Thats already happened. Those four PUNKS on the Musk team helped him find the algorithm for the machines. Every 6th vote for Kamala went to Trump in the swing states, All they needed to win was the swing states. Also explains the popular vote. They even said they did it.
Elon promised Trump the election and Trump promised free ‘first grift’ for the best skims and contract grabs
Like a kid in a candy store both. They enabled each to get their goals. Scorched earth, they must have just found out they aren’t immortal
I think we can do more than "assume." Trump and Elon's kid both said that the vote was screwed with. It was posted all over. "It's not who votes. It's who counts the votes." Josef Stalin
Forgive my ignorance, but I think it needs to be on social media for people to understand. During all those bomb threats is it possible they manipulated the voting machines in person? I did not hear of any reports. That whole starlink satellite thing was just too far fetched.
US Treasury is a single point of access. Voting machines are operated by 3150 counties across the 50 states. Penetrating that autonomous system by a corrupt player is difficult in one instance. Doing it in 3150 instances (see the case of the Colorado county clerk) is conspirational Blue MAGA disinfo
That's the difference between RePugs and DemoCraps - the right will BULLY their way into the capital and the voting system if they believe they've been wronged (whether it's true or not).
Dems were giving a "heads up" from people who knew what they were talking about and leisurely dismissed it. 🤦🤷
They already did - a Nashville councilwoman watched her vote in the booth go for Kamala to Frump - she reported it and they shut the booth down. How does that happen?
They absolutely did something. There were many IT specialists who wrote a letter about it. My husband is also one for over 20 years and absolutely agreed with it.
While I want to eschew going down the road that the right paved after the 20 election, (a narrative set-up to prevent questions and investigation of when the Trump campaign actually committed the crime they were spouting about). I find it incongruous that he actually won. Investigate and ensure.
But by purging the voters registration of 4 million people who are POC or college students they suppressed the vote of the people most likely to vote for Kamala Harris. This has been proven.
We know they did—why didn’t we fight the results? It was treated like a normal election. The president’s went to the inauguration, the Trumps were served tea. Why?
They already did!! Elmo and his Nazi teenagers hacked into the voting machines. He OWNS Trump!! If Trump doesn't do what he wants, Elmo will spill the beans!!
You are correct! Widespread voting irregularities indicate the election was rigged. ELECTION TRUTH ALLIANCE, a group of nonpartisan cybersecurity experts and statisticians, are investigating and need
our support. My account is content warning labeled
for sharing this factual important information.
And pretty sure they did. Remember that little comment about that felon not needing votes? How he had the votes? Yeah. Leon did that and he owns him now.
Only electronic voting machines, and only if they get access to the machines (controlled by local or state election boards, not federal government). Voting on paper ballots gives an audit trail, even with optical scanners to tally. Learn the facts; don't give in to fear based on ignorance.
tRumply said something along the lines that Musky knew the computers while in PA for weeks🙈🙉🙊 I'd really love to know what the actual numbers were from the election.
And I thought exit polling polling pretty much confirmed the numbers of Trump voters. Jumping on the “they cheated” bandwagon isn’t productive. Even if it helps folks who somehow still want the comfort of believing that so many of their fellow countrymen aren’t stoopid.
They were granted access to the Treasury systems. That’s not the same as hacking multiple states’ voting systems. Just admit that enough people are racist/misogynist to not vote for Harris and young white men voted the way Rogan told them to.
America is lost for the foreseeable future, don't expect to vote in 4 years time, he will cancel your rights in coming executive orders. Congress he doesn't like it, he doesn't need anyone to tell him what to do. He tells them what to do, you don't talk down to Donny or Vancy.
How? Have you ever voted? The voting machines that you slide your ballot into aren't connected to the Internet. At the end of the voting day, votes are counted with everyone looking over each other's shoulders in that polling place.
I was one of 75k people at the ellipse in the days before the election and perhaps naivety - the energy was off the charts and I thought it was a momentum strong enough to overcome.
Yeah- I live in a purple district, Hampton roads with large military and veteran population. I was harassed for having Harris signs in my yard… called every name in the book.
Exactly. We need to have an audit of the last election. Oh hell. Just lie like they do and put out some made up info in a media post that they found issues with the last election. Scare fuckin nole ksum.
Everybody: Voting machines are extremely hard to hack. But ...
Musk tweet on June 16, 2024: "Anything can be hacked."
tRump's odd remarks after in January: Musk knows those vote-counting computers better than anybody & we ended up winning PA ... in a landslide.
Dems did nothing.
There are over 3,200 counties and county equivalents in the United States, more than 230,000 polling places.
Each are locally controlled and manned by volunteers - Republican, Democrat, Independent & 3rd party flavor of the month - many don't know each other & may not see each other again. /1
The counting of the votes is done in the polling place, totals are sent to the county where those totals are aggregated and sent up the line to the state.
There is no one big, vote tallying machine in the sky somewhere to be hacked. That was all done by your neighbor where you voted. /2
"We have no evidence that the outcomes of the elections in those states were actually compromised as a result of the security breaches, and we are not suggesting that they were"
There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. And statistics is all they're offering.
Votes are counted at the polling place level. Not the county level.
Look. I feel the pain everyone is feeling. But those tabulators at the polling place aren't connected to the Internet. For ur theory to hold water, they'd have to have hacked 100's of those machines. I don't see the attack vector.
Oh!! Hello!! Yes they could and would they? What was it trump said about Elon and his expertise on same, “no one knows them better, he got in there in Pa & poof, we won!”
No reason to follow up, ask a question, or check out!
As far as hacking voting machines in strategic counties, abso-freaking-lutely possible, especially since they were given access in 2020 to look for evidence the election was stolen.
Like a kid in a candy store both. They enabled each to get their goals. Scorched earth, they must have just found out they aren’t immortal
People smack me down saying 2024 was not a free and fair election, but this proves my point exactly.
It's been in the works since 2020.
We all have opinions.
Dems were giving a "heads up" from people who knew what they were talking about and leisurely dismissed it. 🤦🤷
Your turn guys
If you wanted to sound like MAGA, you're doing a good job.
Stop it.
The fact is there are more of them than there are of us. America is an uneducated, misogynist, racist country. Own it. Then do something about it.
DOGE’s rampage through institutions has parallels in China’s Cultural Revolution
Jianli Yang
I survived Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party’s purges. What's happening now reminds me of the CCP’s Central Cultural Revolution Group.
our support. My account is content warning labeled
for sharing this factual important information.
For more see
She lost every battleground state because of racism and misogyny in America; not because of hacking. imo
I live in a red state, and you should hear all the derogatory, horrible things said about Kamala Harris.
So, I don't know; I don't think we ever will. But I'll go with the more likely explanation, imo; racism and misogyny (ignorance).
And I wanted to be hopeful, ever the optimist.
Plus, this amounts to voter suppression.
Musk tweet on June 16, 2024: "Anything can be hacked."
tRump's odd remarks after in January: Musk knows those vote-counting computers better than anybody & we ended up winning PA ... in a landslide.
Dems did nothing.
Each are locally controlled and manned by volunteers - Republican, Democrat, Independent & 3rd party flavor of the month - many don't know each other & may not see each other again. /1
There is no one big, vote tallying machine in the sky somewhere to be hacked. That was all done by your neighbor where you voted. /2
Please read it in its entirety, including who all signed it. Not a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy loons... 🙄
"We have no evidence that the outcomes of the elections in those states were actually compromised as a result of the security breaches, and we are not suggesting that they were"
There are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. And statistics is all they're offering.
Look. I feel the pain everyone is feeling. But those tabulators at the polling place aren't connected to the Internet. For ur theory to hold water, they'd have to have hacked 100's of those machines. I don't see the attack vector.
The president/WH race is decided by only a handful of swing states.
No reason to follow up, ask a question, or check out!