Happy #LetterboxdFriday! What's your #LastFourWatched?
Journeying through the Snyderverse.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition - 1 Star.
Suicide Squad - 1 and a Half Stars.
Wonder Woman - 4 Stars.
Zack Snyder's Justice League - 3 and a Half Stars.
More detailed reviews below.
Journeying through the Snyderverse.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition - 1 Star.
Suicide Squad - 1 and a Half Stars.
Wonder Woman - 4 Stars.
Zack Snyder's Justice League - 3 and a Half Stars.
More detailed reviews below.
Man of Steel was at least half a good movie. This was absolutely awful from start to finish. The worst versions of four or five stories from the comics mushed together into one incomprehensible mess. Too long and too short at the same time.
Surprisingly, this was slightly better on rewatch, but that really isn't saying much as it only jumped from 1 star to 1 and a half. Maybe instead of "slightly better" I should say "not quite as awful". I mean, almost half the damn movie is just introductions of the characters!
Finally, the first actually good movie in this series. Excellent action, story, drama, music, the whole works. Not entire 100% perfect, but few things are. And, well, I usually don't let outside stuff affect my enjoyment of a film, but I really would prefer WW wasn't Gal Gadot.
Surprisingly palatable! Not quite as good as WW, but still a vast improvement over everything else that came before WW. I was kind of shocked that I wasn't really bothered by the 4 hour runtime. Still some cringey parts, but overall well worth the time invested.