I'll defer to your experience with the NY situation. Our city elections are non-partisan. It's only the first couple months of the RCV elected council but the broader range of voices is already having a meaningful impact on labor and climate issues.
I'll take your word for that - but over here, "rank choice" just means Democratic Hack A, vs Democratic Hack B, vs Democratic Hack C vs some DSA fake socialist Democrat Hack - and they made voting a whole lot harder for those who aren't good at math (which is a LOT of people)
I'd rather go back to VOTING THE NORMAL WAY (pick the candidate you like) and have more than just the God Damned Democratic Party as the only party in our city
how about MORE PARTIES?
just Democrats and Republicans aren't good enough - the Germans have SIX parties, all very different
here in New York it just means more Democrats on a ballot that was made a lot more confusing (not everybody is good at math)
we need to vote THE NORMAL WAY - but have more parties