One of the things I think grognards misunderstand about safety tools in #TTRPG is that they're not there to ruin the vibe or story or prevent tables from exploring mature or extreme content. They're there to help set the vibe without people inadvertently messing someone's day up. 1/4
I now use Lines & Veils and have far fewer issues.
They can, as some Scots say, get tae fuck.
I get introspection's hard. Losing a table to a dumb choice, worse
It was just "uncool" to do SA, bigotry, etc at our table. We wanted to have fun and those things aren't fun
Here's the thing though... Like any other toolset, literally no one is forcing anyone to use them. Don't like it? Or the baseline? You don't have to play with that group.
Safety Tools were developed to fill a need in a rapidly growing hobby where social interaction is a norm, not to "wreck it".
They don't consider not being subjected to RL unpleasantness a human right, just a selective one.
They start with the assumption that requests/discussion will ruin the game, and you have to prove otherwise.
There was one story on Reddit about a player who
and they like, didn't *know* this was a trigger of theirs until that moment
Back in ye olden times, you played with family or friends your own age.
In a world where people play online, or at clubs with strangers, guard rails are sensible.
I lay out EXACTLY what the players will be encountering / dealing with, and what is unacceptable behavior / subjects.
If people still want to throw dice, good on 'em.
If they can't handle the existential dread. There's the door.