In response to a land use question, he says he's interested in housing incentives, office to residential conversions, and how land use interacts with (or works at cross purposes) with other city priorities.
I've gotta bolt to record Seattle Nice, which will feature a special guest this week! Check out tomorrow for a more detailed report.
OK one last thing: Questions about whether you are a "real Seattleite" (implied, not explicit, in questions like "where did you go to middle school?") reveal a type of parochialism that this city needs to eradicate. I don't care what anyone was doing when they were 11.
In my experience, most cities are like that. People who were born in a city and just never left are less likely to actually like cities at all; people who moved there likely did so because they genuinely like cities. So they want natives because they are less likely to be urbanists.
Meany Middle School alum here…I’d be much more interested in where their kids go to school (if they have kids). We need city leaders with a stake in our public schools.
In response to a land use question, he says he's interested in housing incentives, office to residential conversions, and how land use interacts with (or works at cross purposes) with other city priorities.
And, like, the modal Seattleite is a transplant.