Lol. Real mature Elonia…Lay off the ketamine. What an embarrassment of a garbage human. Clearly he gets off on bullying like his 🍊 💩 partner in crime. Canadians eat shitty humans like this for breakfast.
Would any of them take a bullet for him like the Secret Service for the President?
I’d like to know where they hail from.
There are lots of recently unemployed FBI & Secret Service looking for “work” 😉
He needs to be banned from Canada.. 🇨🇦 he’s about to find out how nasty we can be, when people make statements like this 🧐 such arrogance and entitlement.. not going well in the U.S. so don’t be looking to come north Buddy you are NOT welcome 😞
I couldn't see what is happening in the US happening in Canada. If some nazi snots run by a billionaire tried accessing our systems and shutting down our government we'd pull them out by the collars and they'd end up shoulder deep in a snow drift.
I'll never forget. The Ottawa occupation would look like a kitchen party in comparison to what would erupt if unqualified, unelected, corrupt little fuck nuggets tried to dismantle our government.
"Your Honor, it was a stray puck. No one could've forseen the beautiful, surgical, precisioned path it took, straight through the Botox & into the nugget. It was like watching an Act of God."
I’d like to know where they hail from.
There are lots of recently unemployed FBI & Secret Service looking for “work” 😉
A: Infinite.
This same thing was said about Poland by Hitler and about Ukraine by Putin.
They’re coming for us.
I know this sounds stupid....but so are they.