I developed a grey rock defence to survive my birther. I just default to it whenever it's necessary and extract myself from that person's life afterwards.
Ignorance is the Achilles heel. Ignoring reality is the death sentence for all Democratic nations. Pretend it isn’t happening and it will just go away. Pull your head out of the sand.
A narcissist with power to enforce laws and dictates is not going to care about your ignoring them. They will just make your life more miserable by dictating and using their power to cause you even more pain.
The only way to deal with any of the dark triad is to completely remove yourself and cut off all contact. Any communication will be used to hurt and exploit you.
Except networks of people keep sticking microphones in front of this guy. They value sound bites over social responsibility.
Its important for Canada to monitor any escalation in mood, content or intent of his annexation insults. I suggest this may get far worse in 3 months. July 4th-ish?
Get to action and don't stop until the time of fascism is over.
They cannot tolerate being treated like a joke and will explode spectacularly if made to feel inadequate. The fireworks are epic.
Its important for Canada to monitor any escalation in mood, content or intent of his annexation insults. I suggest this may get far worse in 3 months. July 4th-ish?