Ahh, signs of the impending FO phase abound! Remind us again MAGATS, which freedom hating faction was out to shit on 2A & take our guns?
Will you gullible cucks remain silent as state regulated LE is quietly replaced with private military contractors & security firms ala Blackwater/Academi?
Blind devotion to your treasonous messiah will be immortalized in history & forever linked to the downfall of our once great nation.
Smooth-brained pawns bought the ticket but we’re all taking the ride so I guess we’ll see ya in the gulags MFers?
Just remember, YOU. DID. THIS.
We certainly will.
Will the disarmed sheep still obediently yield to a militarized police force, beholden only to the psychotic whims of a traitorous cunt & his puppet masters?
These are the jack-boot, brown shirts of tomorrow & I promise, they’ll be coming for you too.
Will you gullible cucks remain silent as state regulated LE is quietly replaced with private military contractors & security firms ala Blackwater/Academi?
Smooth-brained pawns bought the ticket but we’re all taking the ride so I guess we’ll see ya in the gulags MFers?
Just remember, YOU. DID. THIS.
We certainly will.
These are the jack-boot, brown shirts of tomorrow & I promise, they’ll be coming for you too.