Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Focusing Tinasha's Mastery $400,000
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying.
2 full Iron Banner resets, and many trips to Rahool later, I still haven't had a single sidearm with chill clip + air trigger or loose change. Meanwhile I've had 7 with chill clip + reverberation. I hope Saladin's warbeasts bite his ankles.
You'll definitely pay me back before I have to track you down and turn you into a gun, right?
That's what actually got Oryx, you see. Contractual obligations, not paracausal bullshittery.
Data $150
Rent $800
Focusing Tinasha's Mastery $400,000
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying.
Not .
I’m starting to think they didn’t fix their perk drop chance « bug » .