Agreed, they could've added both openings and endings TV Ver. First cour in one and second on the other (also kind of unrelated but may I know what brand is your cassette player?, I've been thinking of buying an aurex one since someone recommend it)
Yeah, I can imagine the OP/EDs would require extra licensing fees - but another piece from the soundtrack would've been lovely!
Yeah, this is the Aurex. Interestingly it’s a Toshiba sub-brand, and pretty good for a modern/new player! My old Sony Walkman is better, but pricey nowadays.
It’s nothing too crazy. The cassettes were bonus items that came with early editions of the G-Witch soundtracks. Each contains just one track from the soundtrack, no special bonus edit or anything!
Yeah, I also saw it. I remember the super tiny Sony, Aiwa, and Panasonic players that had bi-directional playback and it's painful. I think even the cheap-ass late 80s Crown that I had back then had a smaller tape mechanism than this modern one.
So this is my beauty, I guess. Bought it years ago, way before it shot up in price (crazy nowadays). Had it stored away when moving over to Japan, but some of the comments yesterday inspired me to find it!
Yeah, this is the Aurex. Interestingly it’s a Toshiba sub-brand, and pretty good for a modern/new player! My old Sony Walkman is better, but pricey nowadays.