The propaganda machine is having a moment. They need Moscow to know how to spin a collapsing ruble and the rapid evacuation of Assad and his family. Wagner is still there so is isis. This still has the potential to destabilize rather than liberate. A war of 4 adversaries is too messy to work to plan
Guess who just got back today
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven't changed, had much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy
They were askin' if you were around
How you was, where you could be found
So, they are nice, moderate guys are they, despite previously being affiliated to Al-Qaeda, as BBC News is reporting? I despise both dictators and fanatical religious nutcases, whatever the religion, by the way.
I would not say that.
I would say the Syrian rebels are not all jihadis though.
They are a mixed bag, united only by their loathing of the dictator Assad.
This is why I included a link.
It is complicated.
Well, I hope you are right. What I am concerned about, as I am sure you are as well, as what this will mean for Syrian civilians who have suffered so much in the last few years.
Sad it took this long. Putins cronies have been committing genocide there for over a decade. We should have been protesting the wests lack of response here. This should be the rallying call for the west to curb stomp putins global instability operations.
The rebels are fighting AGAINST Daesh, Assad and Russia
I didn't call them good 🦸♂️
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven't changed, had much to say
But man, I still think them cats are crazy
They were askin' if you were around
How you was, where you could be found
And if the boys want to fight, you better let 'em
Or, you work for Assad in a PR context.
Salafi jihadis are a minority in the resistance to Assad.
I would say the Syrian rebels are not all jihadis though.
They are a mixed bag, united only by their loathing of the dictator Assad.
This is why I included a link.
It is complicated.