Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen declared, "there is a lot of support among the people of Greenland that Greenland is not for sale and will not be in the future either."
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Should we remind the Greenlandic people that Trump never makes good on his deals. Just incase there are impoverished citizens that like the idea of money being infused into the economy. The billionaires will build a plant, enclave the locals to mine/rape the minerals. They then leave it destroyed.
so now greenland has been told that the US wants its resources and sees it as needing it to protect the world. If youre greenland why now would you ever give up such leverage? Trump thinks everything is for sale.
I hate the talk is so serious. That just gets these puds off. Lambast the guy. Rip on the guy then embarrass the guy and shut him up. The outrage and stern responses feeds him to behave worse.
As an American I can’t believe I’m saying this but I would love to see the world unite against Trump’s American Fascist regime. As someone earlier wrote “how the fuck did we get here?”
Please share video about the incidence of Trump's threats to Greenland and Denmark. It is by Danish Navy commander/war analyst Anders Puch Nielsen. He sums up the situation very well. Situation is serious. Russia threatened US this morning due to Trump's actions.
Trump’s narrative should have every country the US has bases publicly initiating a plan to inform the US they need to leave. They should be viewed as incursion forces under Trump.
A nice way of saying get lost. Bravo. Canada feels the same. Americans better get their mango fuhrer in check, or better yet impeach him day 1. He’s cruising for war.
That would require the House of Representatives to have Dems in charge, which isn't the case. But after the election in 2 years when the Dems will certainly take over, absolutely. But they'll need the Senate to in order to convict and remove him.
Hate to be a downer, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t take back the house in two years. There’s currently no real push back or real grass roots campaigns starting right now. Everyone seems subdued currently and willing to toe the line so to speak.
Voters seem to be in a constant state of "throw the bums out". I have no doubt that trump and his ilk will be pissing off large swaths of voters over the next 2 years.
i don't know do you think they will believe maga when they say they want Greenland to help eskimos when you saw what happened to natives in US, and when everybody knows it's only about ressources?
From what I've read Greenlanders would support independence and mining, but not becoming part of the US. Allowing unlimited immigration from the US, or adopting US health and social policy would be extremely unpopular.
I cannot imagine how incredibly dangerous this Trump talk is. Trump thinks his new found POWER can be used for intimating other countries. His horrible MAGA's think this is great, it isn't. Trump is inviting someone with a brain to point a nuclear weapon at US. Taken to far, it will be fired.
Stop letting Trump hijack the news cycle with these crazy stories. Focus, instead, on the disastrous Cabinet picks currently before the U.S. Senate: Pete Hegseth, RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard. None of them are qualified to hold public office, much less to head critically important federal agencies!
I mean, at this point with the threats being made I think it's time we took Alaska before Russia does. The US is headed downhill. Alaska needs to be under secure and responsible ownership.
Florida too. It's clearly not being governed very well and would benefit greatly from being under European control. I've spoken to at least two Floridians and they were very supportive of the idea.
I am so embarrassed that the toad is so ignorant, he sends dumb, dumber and dumbest to Greenland! That Denmark Prime Minister Frederiksen has to field inane questions and comments about selling an actual country! FFS!
Well, PM Frederiksen, I hate to tell you but then you best be willing to denounce the actions and resist if trump orders an invasion. Don't put anything past him...it could be a publicity stunt or it could be a threat. With the felon, you never know for sure.
Maybe but I don’t get it if you turn everything against him who wants to buy his shit or something that comes from America? You don’t make money on your own you only make money from things you sell to other countries.
I appreciate your comment and you are right if you are saying what I think you are. I think totally that alienating our friends and neighbors, who also happen to be our trading partners in most cases, will result in their levying more tariffs right back at US and therefor people there won't buy
Thanks for your concern. I sorry we let you down...I want you to know however, that I didn't vote for this. In fact almost half the voters didn't. Part of that was the fact that there were more than two candidates and only two or three of the non-trump candidates were really any better. (sigh)
Trump should look to his buddy Putin as an example of what happens when bullies attempt to attack those they think are smaller & easier to bully, ie. Ukraine.
Notice he walked back the military invasion of Canada but said he will use “economic means” to bring the country to its knees. I don’t think he could find Denmark on a map.
So what, he insults everyone except dictators and sure it's unacceptable but instead of reacting to every insult we could just not give the idiot air and work on solutions when it arises otherwise we just use up energy on the BS and give him the chaos he wants.
What is the “Let’s get Greenland” distraction pulling attention from? What shady shit is the administration hiding by sucking the air out of the room? This is the bait and we are acting like carp.
Noticing Trump seems to be 1st taking aim at ally countries with female leaders. Says a lot now after I have been nicknaming X the boysclub social media platform. Musk and Trump weak towards tough men. So do they go after women to look strong ?
Of course it's not. Would like to see all world leaders focus rather on the absurdity and rank insanity of Trump's plans, rather than responding to them as if they're possibilities that have been considered and rejected. Message: Trump is a raving lunatic. We're ignoring him. Full stop.
Greenland has state-of-the-art national healthcare. Everything is covered, including transportation. All reproductive care is covered including abortion. They get 17 paid weeks off maternal leave. Education K- University is free.
Why would they want our US system?
Rent it out for 10000 krone more than they always have to offer.
Play their game and bait them. Extract their money and use it yourselves.
They play on your value system, play with theirs.
Let's start taking the money back away and through that, their power.
This is all a distraction to divert all eyes away from not only things they will do under the covers, but promises they won’t keep.
Not to say that they wouldn’t love to try it.
I’m almost annoyed that world leaders feel the need to publicly respond to this horseshit. Can’t they just give an eye roll, turn their backs and say “well anyway-as I was saying….” I mean that’s really all the credence that needs to be given with this nonsense.
It reminds me of when the Beatles 01st went to the US. In 1 interview, a journalist asked John Lennon how he found the US. Lennon replied, "You turn left at Greenland." Today we have GPS, otherwise, who knows, Don Jr. might still be looking for it.
Denmark should snuff the idiot while he’s still a private citizen.
Stupid, childish bullshit between world leaders on social media.
I hope an asteroid hits this shithole directly.
I think what they really mean is:-
F*ck right off you 🍊 nutter
It's never going to happen. The man is nothing but a buffoon.
Another friendly reminder . . .
Denmark and Canada are part of NATO.
💠 🧐 💠
Why would they want our US system?
Play their game and bait them. Extract their money and use it yourselves.
They play on your value system, play with theirs.
Let's start taking the money back away and through that, their power.
Not to say that they wouldn’t love to try it.
Bless his trans-fat clogged, grotesquely underside ticker👍
Amazingly the thought of that is scarier then sending our troops to invade Greenland.