Corruption is the natural conclusion of a nation that won’t stand up for itself, that mistakes the state as its identity and its oligarchy as its masters.
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Yep. In 2020 the national guard was deployed at a protest and ordered to affix bayonets. The order was reversed, but can you imagine being a serviceman told that you are about to use bayonets on a bunch of moms worried about their kids?
Agree. Annnd, I was one of 49 people arrested at a protest in NYC a few years ago and the protest didn’t even make the news, so I understand the sense that protesting doesn’t work anymore. But! what I kept wondering what would have happened if it was 500 people blocking that street instead of 49.
People will have heard about it, even if the news didn't publish it.
This thread has given me some hope there are people willing to take action for their morals and beliefs. ❤️
Healthcare is tied to employment. Don’t show up to work and lose your job, you lose healthcare. Extremely important. Also, our system locks in reps for 2,4,6 years and we have no mechanism for “no confidence” votes. These, plus other factors, make any type of collective action very difficult.
Unless you are a right-wing nutter protest, the police(brown-shirt militia) will beat and shoot you. They will also protect and venerate any citizen who decides to shoot you as well.
We DO protest. A LOT. There's protests everyday in NYC for something. The problem is not protecting, it's the media intentionally not reporting it so it gives the illusion that Americans are just sitting around acquiescing. Trust me. We're not.
Protests don't work here. Our congress and senate are full of obtuse old timers insulated by PAC money from the ultra wealthy. US needs a French type revolution, billionaire and multi hundred millionaire wealth hoarders should not exist and sadly they only understand this when their in guillotines
Americans only have health care if they have a job. If they take time to protest - they usually only have 2 to 3 weeks vacation/personal time per year - they might lose their job, and then no health care.
Without a mechanism for snap elections, protesting is nearly meaningless in the American federal system because elections happen on a set schedule. But it is also the reason why American national election cycles are seemingly endless.
This country has yet to become a mature. WWII made Europe mature. This country had not ever truly suffered except the Civil War which seems remote and unreal. Unfortunately, we will likely have to “learn the hard way” as my mother liked to say, rather than from observing history.
We tend to look for the leaders to give direction. I started with writing letters and going to city council meeting. Local = being seen. There are protests planned for the 18th. Google that. Go to one. I‘ll add a link when I find it again
These words have never rang more true. The unity after 9/11 was a rare moment of collective purpose, but events like Obama’s election, birtherism, and Trump’s presidency deepened political and cultural divides.
Liberals are lawfared by conservatives who apparently believe that our bill of rights only applies to them. Used to blow my mind how our "sacred" right to protest was used to condemn any liberal protest actions. Idiot conservatives think the government will spare them if it goes fascist? Dumbasses.
Then to pile on, conservatives send bad actors into any liberal protests to cause riots, violence & property damage, so then conservatives can blame liberals for the riots. Fucking jackals and their endless scheming to disrupt anything honest, decent, or good for the people.
This is when conservative gaslighting really took hold. They learned how effective it was to turn public discourse against liberal protests, so they broadened its use to everything else. The truth is, no one likes the consequences of conservative policies. They impoverish and objectify us all.
I submit that our money IS attempting to break the laws that govern the universe.
Which means it breaks everything else.
This thread has given me some hope there are people willing to take action for their morals and beliefs. ❤️
They stopped during Biden
We protested Trump, then elected him
kind of like Slovakia
Trust between neighbors here has eroded
So badly I don't even recognize this country
It's going to take something of 911 proportion
To wake the sleeping giant
I'm just waiting for that moment
Whether I want to or not
I'm in Awe of Putin's manipulation