Any US troops illegally entering Mexico will be arrested or shot, meanwhile Mexican troops have been scrambled to the border to setup emergency shelters for any victims of the Trump regime illegally dumped into Mexico or denied asylum.
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I remember seeing this in one of the latest purge movies, could definitely see this happening. Although due to location for some it will be fleeing to Canada.
I know people who have escaped to Mexico. Expats that realized they didn't want to spend their last years in this situation if it occurred. Well it has occurred!
I’m confused!
Is this intended to create chaos? Stop I llegal migrants?
Drug smuggling?
Human trafficking?
Or to just create an opportunity for military border patrol training onnboth sides?
Hopefully a Maga Republican can explain this to me.
US won't be allowed to deport people to Canada either.
Some fleeing Dump's "executives orders" & ICE might head North, though. Is Canada supposed to mass troops & erect camps at the "border of insanity" too?
All I can think of is some trigger happy MAGAt military guy is going to end up starting a war. Every bit of this shit would be unbelievable if they didn't have a damn manual.
I reckon the US Army will drive into Mexico deep enough to push the civilian population back, and establish a heavily land mined, no man’s land, buffer zone.
Nope. It’s a follow up to Drumph’s desire to bomb drug and human trafficking cartels from Admin # 1. His quote this week was troops “will repel the disastrous invasion of our country.” -Newsweek
I don´t think Mexico is going to allow any of that to happen.
Most Americans know nothing about the country.
Know this... They will not surrender to the US
This is so sad and embarrassing. The world sees us as the cold, heartless, apathetic people we've allowed ourselves to become by being represented by a psycho fascist.
Forcing deportees into any country without the consent of that country is illegal. Very few countries actually accept deportees returning without prior agreements. At best, the countries may demand reparations.
Trump would love US troops to be shot because he could use it rile up MAGA into a frenzy of hate and violence and launch a full scale invasion of Mexico. I think that might be the goal actually.
I hope ( with all due respect) it is within your own borders . Canada, Denmark / Greenland , Mexico Panama, should not suffer because the US voted in a fuckwit.
About that…not so sure we actually voted the ‘fuckwit’ into office—there’s cause to believe the sociopath billionaire with way too many private satellites messed with the outcome. Absolutely no way he won ALL 7 Swing States—NONE!
Almost certainly true.
But the rest of the world would prefer it if you could contain it within your country.
The rest of us will watch on with pity but no surprise.
We understand; we’re big on personal responsibility in the US—most of us anyway.
I for one, plan to do all I can to see that we do as little damage to our fellow humans as possible. Pray for us (if that’s something you do)—we are gonna need as much help as we can get!🙏🏼🥹🤔
People should know this dude is messin people over already took him less than a week to be who we knew he was . Getting all of his lame traitors confirmed for corruption duty , makes them allies cause when you are as much of a crook as your boss then who’s gonna tell on the lead crook ?
Isn't that the hope? One of our military loses their life in this stunt and gives that pig an excuse for conflict with Mexico and more atrocities against immigrants here? Unconscionable
These fundamentals of our nation are in question: Peaceful borders with our continental neighbors; peaceful transfer of power; independent government agencies ensuring safety; strong allies; semi-sovereign states; checks and balances; "nobody is above the law"; the U.S. Constitution, and democracy.
They are lucky they didn't shoot that C-17 out of the sky. What fucking right do we think we have to fly a US Military Plane into Mexico uninvited. That's their sovereign airspace. What right do we think we have to drag humans across their border. That's human trafficing.
Well, if you're interested in starting to discuss strategy ideas for 2026 midterms, please follow back and follow bc Trey and I want get this shit started.
As a Canadian, I hope we're preparing for the crisis this is going to create at our border. I wonder how many thousands will seek refuge here. They're going to need help.
Let’s hope when an incident happens the SoD isn’t passed out drunk in his office. I was lucky when I was in the Marines I served under Carter/Reagan. I did not like Reagan using Marines as “peacekeepers”. That didn’t end well. This is another example of misuse of our military.
This is what happens when Mr. FOTUS here tries to deport immigrants: US soldiers are killed, and Mexicans offer immigrants temporary shelter until Mr. FOTUS is dealt with.
He's risking a war with other neighbouring countries.
If I were you, Mr. FOTUS, just deport criminal immigrants, will you?
I wish I could go over to Mexico and help them out with the migrants.
I feel like we are so very close to something very terrible happening.
Trump is trying to push everything over the edge.
I have been getting the strong feeling that President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo will stick the drug cartels on US soldiers if Trump gives the order to invade Mexico.
Cartels don't care if they die in the process of defending their territory.
Maybe it's time Mexico starts holding shipments of US goods for"enhanced inspection" to maliciously comply with Trump and slow manufacturing to a halt. Maybe Ford super duty engines get held for a couple weeks.
The US Army has absolutely no right on the Mexican border. Maybe if you need to get shot for it to get real for Republicans. Secondly Mexican soldiers setting up to help deported individuals is a good thing, comrade.
We should get together and come up with the perfect curse. Whenever I curse another person, they always deserve it and I’m very careful with my phrasing.Every single person I have ever cursed has had horrible things happen to them. So, I have a tendency to be careful with that. But, He deserves it.
Let's!!! I go by my instincts and my intuition. My guides, guide me. I am not as reliant on the words themselves as much as the ENERGY. Bc that is where the power is. In its purest form. I'm just the vessel. Alchemy? Of sorts. Not so much turning lead into gold but transmutation of energy. Iykyk 🫶
god literally sent its son to be killed. That was the gig. To have failed to do so would have pissed that god off. Humans did what they were supposed to do and the god said, "Cool. Now I can forgive you for all the shitty things you do." It was a planned sacrifice to save humans, remember?
You really think so?
Mexico will back down
Drug cartels won't
For all it's Government's bluster and courting of Russia
they cannot afford what Trump's going to do to them
We will see.
Once again young members of our armed forces will be sent to pay the price for the whimsy of rich old men. Ultimate insult being sent by a man who is a traitor to his oath to the constitution and this democracy.
They are being forced to choose between following an illegal order by a domestic enemy, immediately negating their oath & transforming them into Nazis, or losing their careers & maybe even families who are still brainwashed, to rot in a brig.
Military personnel swear an oath to protect the constitution from all threats foreign and domestic. If the military turns on the traitor in office they are upholding their oath.
Your average PFC and indeed even your average captain is not going to refuse these orders individually. Perhaps if there is a mass refusal but that is very unlikely
Correct. PFC Porkins and Capt. WhatsHisNuts will now have to carry that filthy shame stain for the rest of their lives, b/c upper mgmt failed them. But the boot still accepted the order. Shit rolls downhill. No mandatory fun day or patriotic football parade will change that.
I want to believe, but when the law is ignored & they start canking the leadership to replace them with bootlickers, who will be left to say, "Not today, Satan?"
Obedience to Superior Orders:
A subordinate cannot use the defense of "following orders" if they knew or should have known that the order was unlawful.
The military isn't some mindless monolith with members that cannot think for themselves. I am confident that there are more people that cherish that oath & will protect the constitution than will not. It's a game of chicken though and there is a time and place for military action & we're not there
I was a dependa for 15 years during Iraq/Afg, both comically criminal conflicts. Not a lot of freedom loving oath takers were questioning legality when their tax-free warzone paychecks were on the line. (It still eats at both of us to this day.) Will these new conflicts be any different? sucks because it feels like we're there right now but we aren't. I feel like the Democrats in federal government are channeling their inner Neville Chamberlain though, and it's gross to watch.
The Generals need to deport Musk and nationalize his companies .. coup Trump and Hegseth and all of the White House and Congressional MAGATS immediately.
If the Generals resign or turn a blind eye they were never Generals in the first place .. but only cowards.
I would agree to a Military Coup to remove traitors taking over the government. All they have to do is uphold their oath. Then reset the elections and reset the Supreme Court. Because the American population was incapable of keeping traitors out of the White House. Nazis to top it all off.
Foreign monitored elections as well...too many questions around Trump winning all swing states and the rise in bullet ballots, not to mention Elon interfering with million $ sweepstakes.
people voted for this or stayed home. people could have prevented this chaos, but as i said before, people want to learn the hard way. it will be painful and it will destroy the country. elections have consequences. Trump is President for less then half of a Scaramucci.
If Mexico is stupid enough to shoot US Military personnel, then they will play right into Orange Pig’s hands. America always needs to take a punch before we go all “Murica, fuck ya!” One dead soldier and the Pig will squeal for war.
If the US is stupid enough to send personnel over the border as an illegal invading force, what's Mexico supposed to do? Lay down & take it like a good little whore? Military members lives are no more valuable than the next human, no matter what nationality.
America is at war with itself and with our neighbors while Donald Trump and Vladimyr Putin are undoubtedly making plans to lay waste to Europe next. Pay attention, people. It has begun.
They're idiots. They'll get what they deserve when they find themselves being pushed through the chimney of some smokestack. But, hey, it was their choice, right?
I imagine it would be some stupid officer giving orders from an even more stupid officer getting orders from an infinitely more stupid Trump sycophant.
It might end up that way. Most don't have a clue about Kent State.
I'm not sure with the state of apathy in this country about guns & violence, especially the school massacres of little children, people would care.
There's been more lasting outrage over the arrest of Luigi than Uvalde.
At a wet-finger-in-the-air guess, detaining the human crew might be too emotive and inflammatory, whereas impounding and selling the aircraft would send a message.
Impounding that, if legal to do so, would...
...I have absolutely no freaking idea.
We are so far off the map in general anyway, I'd be less surprised if a dragon parked its arse on Mt Rushmore.
He's going
to drag us into an unnecessary war to boost the economy because he won't force corporate donors to stop price gouging consumers. President Claudia Sheinbaum is going to have to take him to school.
Understandable they would shoot first. America cannot be trusted with their women or children. America traffics young girls and boys, puts convicted rapists and sex abusers in power. Do not let Americans into your country. Shoot first. What a happy time! Thanks maggots.
This is so true. They have failed to do anything to fix the situation at the border and they will use it as a platform against their opponents in every election cycle!
This situation at our border has been going on for decades and it goes back to Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. The corruption in the Russian Republican Party will continue until we vote them out of office in every election cycle in America!
Not only do we have to hold the ConvictedFelon accountable for his actions, we have to hold every single one of those Russian Republicans in congress and the Senate accountable as well.
wonder if the cartels are gearing up for a bloody fight? Our military is tough but the cartels have an unmatched ruthlessness. I kinda wish homan goes after them. They'll send him back in pieces. Or make his butt ugly head into a hood ornament.
And rightly so. I gotta wonder if Mexico is going to completely block Americans from Mexico. Including tourists? Including American medical tourists who go to Mexico for cheaper medical and dental care?
I hope Mexico doesn’t allow any American to cross its border!
MAGAts cannot have it both ways. Close US borders, yet allow Americans to cross other borders and run free, HELL NO!
Yup. Mexico should make people declare their political sides before letting them into Mexico from America. And slam the doors in the faces of magats and all Republicans.
I know the leader of Mexico said she was going to send back the Americans that immigrant that moved to live there in retribution, hopefully she starts with those rich summer homes!
Good but be honest. I was there when Mexican troops crossed the border to intimidate an Arizona rancher. It was covered up, but not enough. Those of us living on the border learned from it. So we didn't kill them. Pose harder.
The people phrase..United we stand..well..I think the world is seeing that..usa could be in big trouble with drump.if the world has had enough of his bs
False flag operation starting the invasion of Poland in 1939. So you’re right. Some WW II references.
So much similarities. Only difference: nassis had to build up systems and the military in the 30’s. us is already ready for the next step Just needs to get lojalists in all the right positions
The German invasion of Poland was preceded by a false flag operation- Germans posing as Poles crossed the border and "took over" a radio transmitter in Gleiwitz.
She’s one president you don’t want to play around with and now Trump is having a hissy fit because she wouldn’t allow a plane carrying immigrants land in Mexico. Tensions are rising, not good.
I pray that my God protects the innocent, the downtrodden. I genuinely believe this is the beginning of the end. May we be granted wisdom and strength to do God's will.
You know what. No.
*The good PERSON arc here. Not good guy.
I'm going full overdrive on inclusive language now, because this is the time to show it 200% for support, and because these fascist won't stop us from being good people. We can discuss that after the Nazis are gone, not before.
Republicans are dismantling the ways Americans can work together to make tomorrow a better day.
Who is doing that where you work?
Why aren't you allowed to discuss your pay w/ coworkers?
Because they don't want you to know how much you are worth.
Is this intended to create chaos? Stop I llegal migrants?
Drug smuggling?
Human trafficking?
Or to just create an opportunity for military border patrol training onnboth sides?
Hopefully a Maga Republican can explain this to me.
Some fleeing Dump's "executives orders" & ICE might head North, though. Is Canada supposed to mass troops & erect camps at the "border of insanity" too?
Most Americans know nothing about the country.
Know this... They will not surrender to the US
Trump will make war with Mexico
Like Putin did
Putin send Nazis to donbas right before war 2014
I just hope it's not inside our borders...
Against our own people...
Mexicans are NOT pushovers
They will defend themselves ya dumb fuck...
But the rest of the world would prefer it if you could contain it within your country.
The rest of us will watch on with pity but no surprise.
I for one, plan to do all I can to see that we do as little damage to our fellow humans as possible. Pray for us (if that’s something you do)—we are gonna need as much help as we can get!🙏🏼🥹🤔
La presidenta de Mexico
Claudia Sheinbaum
Just remember that, and keep saying it.
This is not the will of the American people.
That is propaganda.
When are you guys going to stand up to him? Took Korea how long to stand up to their leader?
May I just say ditto🤯
Alone, he is capable of nothing.
Isolating them from their support networks is essential.
I stand with We the People of the United States of America
Not necessarily for emergency shelters but….
He's risking a war with other neighbouring countries.
If I were you, Mr. FOTUS, just deport criminal immigrants, will you?
MORENA regime use the Mexican military for anything except protecting its citizens. 🙄
Don’t be confused. MORENA is an anti-US party. Less extreme than MAGA, but they still align with Putin and China.
All immigrants, strike now, everyone else, support the strikers.
I feel like we are so very close to something very terrible happening.
Trump is trying to push everything over the edge.
RIP reserves, you can coup at any time now.
Cartels don't care if they die in the process of defending their territory.
Mexico will back down
Drug cartels won't
For all it's Government's bluster and courting of Russia
they cannot afford what Trump's going to do to them
We will see.
We the People of the United States have power
True power comes within each and everyone one of us
We can organize
We can use non-violent communication and tactics
We can choose
Never give up
Obedience to Superior Orders:
A subordinate cannot use the defense of "following orders" if they knew or should have known that the order was unlawful.
If the Generals resign or turn a blind eye they were never Generals in the first place .. but only cowards.
Disregard all of the legal texts because Donald Trump is now "the law"
I see foresee Dem Judge courtrooms being ransacked. Courtroom security is a joke against an AR-15s
Now it's ENOUGH.
This dangerous fascist must be stopped.
Citizens of Greenland, you really want to join a fascist state with health and school systems only possibles for the richs?
And I am a positive optimist.
Some random survey wont let me down.
I added extra links not included in the original article.
It's a Bluesky thread, so tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
I'm not sure with the state of apathy in this country about guns & violence, especially the school massacres of little children, people would care.
There's been more lasting outrage over the arrest of Luigi than Uvalde.
...I have absolutely no freaking idea.
We are so far off the map in general anyway, I'd be less surprised if a dragon parked its arse on Mt Rushmore.
😌 🇲🇽
👍🕊🌐🌍 😌
to drag us into an unnecessary war to boost the economy because he won't force corporate donors to stop price gouging consumers. President Claudia Sheinbaum is going to have to take him to school.
-Neville Chamberlain
MAGAts cannot have it both ways. Close US borders, yet allow Americans to cross other borders and run free, HELL NO!
I hope they accept Americans seeking asylum.
I'm so sick and tired of the constant daily corporate evangelists preaching about AI like it should be everyone's wet dream.
It's a highly useful and interesting tool with potential. It's not the holy freaking grail.
So much similarities. Only difference: nassis had to build up systems and the military in the 30’s. us is already ready for the next step Just needs to get lojalists in all the right positions
One of his thousands lies !
FAFO is just what Mexico's leader will deliver. All hail to that fantastic woman!!!!!
I can't stress enough how beyond evil it is to make a giant ass fire a political tool from an oval office while the country burned.
And now this.
Mexico definitely the good guy arc here.
*The good PERSON arc here. Not good guy.
I'm going full overdrive on inclusive language now, because this is the time to show it 200% for support, and because these fascist won't stop us from being good people. We can discuss that after the Nazis are gone, not before.
Who is doing that where you work?
Why aren't you allowed to discuss your pay w/ coworkers?
Because they don't want you to know how much you are worth.