This moment is going in the history books as the moment the US became irrelevant as a global power and ushered in the start of world war 3.
Zelenskyy exposed the traitors.
Zelenskyy exposed the traitors.
Get ur head out of putins ass its cleaned enough from ur worshiping of it
Tell me, what is your criticism of Putin in that case?
What else do you want to know, my dear Putin friend? With you so called ignorancy.🖕🏻
It’s pretty simple.
You can argue all you want that it's necessary to suspend democracy. Whether it is or not, though, it's impossible to reconcile that with being a "hero of all Democracy" as posted.
Again, whether you think that's a good thing or not, it's just not "democratic", because that's what the word means. Not holding elections means, whether temporarily or no, you're not democratic.
He composed himself with dignity in order to save his people, and one day, he will be celebrated throughout the world for his courage. While men like 47 will see their legacy rot, and their grandchildren change their names in shame.
They need a good punch in their faces to bring them back down to reality.
That’s how you have to deal with bullies.
What do we do now?
They literally heard him on tape admitting to grabbing women by their genitals.
MAGA will only start to wake up when it affects them personally.
" Would / WOULD NOT " ?
Congress MUST step in now and get Trump out. If that doesn’t happen, we are lost. Unfortunately we know these republican senators won’t do what they need to do.
47 thinks Zelensky he should suck his toes for past support by a different President
47 thinks Zelensky should thank him for being abandoned and betrayed by the USA
Good for Zelensky for not being bullied by the Stupid-in-Chief
What are grounds for Treason?
The enemy has eaten you from the inside
USA, you must delete them all.
You know what you have to do.
The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be.
#3E #25thAmendment #ImpeachTrump
Vance - rejecting & perturbed. Trump - lecturing & pejorative. Both - dimwitted, angry idiots.
Zelenskyy attentive, empathetic, patient, holding back. He tries to bring them back to discuss points one by one but they meltdown.
Z wants peace.
Read more 👇
Z easily won.
our data, firing workers for no reason, telling us
lies about waste with no evidence.
That's the only transparency going on.
Where do you think those paychecks are going to go?
Straight the fuck overseas to private Russian bank accounts.
DUH folks.
We will be totally bankrupt soon probably.
hell, there wont be a world war ever again in history, the technology isn't there, and "NATO Minus The USA" is plenty powerful on itself.
WW1 was a **Regional** war mostly contained within Europe.
we've only had two "TOTAL WARS" in human history, with all countries involved dedicating full output to the war effort.
and Fuck Trump, and Fuck Musk. the military obeys niether.
Fuck Vance.
Fuck MAGA.
We really need some Kompromat on these Repugnat Russian assets.
Obviously, there's plenty out there cause Putin must have a truckload the way he's holding these ass wipes over a barrel
unfortunately, I personally don't know any hackers.
Siri, I've absolutely had it with you
what have you personally done in this battle of good versus evil?
Owning a firearm isn't gonna stop the Orange Shitler, but Kompromat may
don't put it past him to break out his sharpie and redraw our northern border.
Despite being bashed during a White House set-up ambush
Zelensky DID NOT
Republicans. They think Trump did an amazing thing
The only amazing thing that Trump accomplished was:
Making America look like a joke in Europe.
1. The EU will stand strong
2. MAGA will turn
Make no mistake: The world is in crisis because of the USA’s reckless arrogance.
We’re not fighting with Putin
They could have prevented this at the ballot box in November 2024 but over a third of eligible voters could not be bothered to vote for the only viable alternative to what we now witness.
“You’ll never have to vote again.” -Trump
Media is covering the Trump shit show in the Oval today.
Nobody, but nobody is asking why.
Why the fuck is Trump doing all this for Putin?
They’re afraid of the answer…
Trump is a Russian Asset!
Wake the fuck up!!!
It is my business to help make a billionaire turn into a millionaire!
There’s strength in numbers. If they’re threatened, say so as a group and get the protection they need. This is insanity.
In the economic black out against trump today let us make him really mad and start donating aid to Ukraine. Every dollar counts as a Fuck you to trump. Good can fight evil with hope.
Burn the phones down!!
Make calls #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
Write letters boycott
#Bluestormrising #resist
Canadian whose sovereignty is being threatened by your country.
Thuggish Shake Down of the Democratically Elected President of Ukraine.
USA Diplomacy is Dead, RIP
Just shoot us now, please!
Wouldn't even be surprised to see US conducting air strikes on Ukrainian targets based on some absurd pretext.