Basically Putin and Trump are working together to bring Ukraine to its knees. Trump wants to extort as much resources as he can for himself and his oligarch buddies and Putin wants to control Ukraine's resources, political control and create another base for more incursions into Europe.
Ukraine should not have to deal or settle with Putin. Russia already broke their agreement in the 1994 "deal." All countries involved in this agreement just need to honor their commitments. Russia and the US cannot unilaterally change the terms.
This is like when two people are dating, one of them hasn't done anything wrong, the other one has feelings for Russia and wants to break up but doesn't have the balls to just outright say it.
So instead they find something trivial, and blow it up into a huge row so they can end it and blame them
When Trump is finally taken, I don’t want to hear one word about,” Oh, he’s mentally unstable, oh, he’s sick etc” as a defence. If you believed that and still obeyed him, you are also sick and you have chosen to believe he’s not. Can’t have it both ways Maga.
I feel like what we are seeing is a unification of psychopathic despots not afraid to kill people indiscriminately to take what they want, when they want.
If the Martial Law rumors are true, Trump is sending clear messages to mass murderers that it’s open season on opponents.
The truth is the Russians are winning this war but have got their ass handed to them by the ukrainians. Their soldiers do not want to fight this war and are dying at a rapid Pace but they outnumber the ukrainians by so much. It's just a matter of time.
Exactly - Trump wants the win he promised MAGA and to get his Nobel Peace prize (never happening) and he knows Putin will not take a step backward so he is constantly beating down on Zelenskyy and Ukraine to just give in and accept peace on Russia’s terms
If trump succeeds with stopping the Russian-Ukraine war …. THEN SANCTIONS SHOULD REMAIN INDEFINITELY … until Russia leaves Ukrainian territory … otherwise Russia will do it again
Ukraine should treat all the American military and civilians in the country as the enemy now!!! Expell them all ASAP! don't let them near any infrastructure, cut off their internet access and confiscate all their electronics and send them back to the US! They're taking orders from a Russian asset!
I wish it would come out exactly what Putin has on Trump. I bet it involves child rate and maybe even video of Trump killing kids. Trump isn’t just an asshole and a Nazi he’s a monstrous Nazi.
I wouldn't be surprised the Kompromat involves video proof of, if not kids, involvement with underage girls. He was Epstein's friend, who "committed suicide" in jail (right, I saw a profiler's analysis of that, and it's not suicide...) when he was president last time. If it quacks like a duck?
What an oddly specific thing to say 🫤 their mind is in a very dark place. But the accusation/confession thing happens so often, last case in point, saying democrats "let in" sex criminals, then inviting the abhorrent Tate creature into the country? Is this psychological warfare on American women?
Something similar to this happened in 1961, and was resolved in 1963.
So instead they find something trivial, and blow it up into a huge row so they can end it and blame them
If the Martial Law rumors are true, Trump is sending clear messages to mass murderers that it’s open season on opponents.
I thought Trump didn't like losers and only likes winners?
Because Russia is definitely losing this war if they’re getting that desperate that they’re riding donkeys to reach the front line in Ukraine.
Putin is spent, he is begging for cannon fodder and ammunition from other dictators.
He is weak and wants to keep what he's stolen and to rebuild, just like every invasion he's done, that's NOT peace and the US should NOT provide it!
Just sayin'
Trump's Guide to Winning Wars.
Are y’all hearing what I’m hearing??
They accused Hillary of being in a video where she murdered a girl and cut off her face, and then paraded around wearing the face.
It’s always about the money with him.