They’re from Last Generation Canada, an environmentalist group known for their civil disobedience/disruption actions. They’re never violent, but do get people and the press talking and asking questions. It’s a pretty inoffensive way of pushing our inertia-loving politicians/elites for change.
Definitely agree. Vandalism is a crime, period. It will just help galvanize opinion against what folks are actually trying to do - shutting down doge and their breaking of the government. Fuck Tesler, but get doge out of SSA, Treasury, IRS, USAID, GSA, and on and on. That’s my concern.
Either would I. As effing bloody frustrating as things are right now I'm not prepared to get destructive to prove my point. As for the future? No idea what I'll do.
This was in Canada, not in the US. Freedom of speech and protest are unimpaired, governments are already retaliating by striking Starlink contracts or barring Tesla from programs etc. There's neither need nor justification for teenagers here throwing their future away by vandalizing Tesla stores.
Montréal indeed. Kids belonging to an environmental group, now stupidly facing charges for something bringing a lot of kids for a big legal protest would not have accomplished better. There are definitely times and places for civil disobedience or such actions, but eh.. not here, not now.
I think the challenge is that holding a sign and yelling is only so effective. There's very little I would say is going too far when both Canada and the US are facing existential threats.
The situation is very different in the US considering how the WH is instrumentalizing those actions against Tesla. But I can't agree there's any justification for it in Canada for now. It just cost us tax payer money to arrest and try those kids we could have used in much better ways.
Big legal protests would be more effective in Canada right now, as it could convince some governments here but also abroad that taking an even harder line with Musk's companies would be popular measures. That would hurt him far more than paint. The brand's already dead, it just doesn't know it yet
Our government is not responsive to the will of the people, but rather to the will of a handful of wealthy donors whose biggest concerns are lining their own pockets. Trump is rewarding his biggest donors with countless opportunities to enrich themselves at the expense of the American people.
The root of what we're experiencing right now, is this man. He may be quietly in the background, but his published words have inspired millions to act to where we are now. Very dangerous man for America.
There is no nuance, he’s such a mediocre man who talks a lot but says little substance. He can only stick to his examples without being able to explain how his examples work in full context.
I think we all need to watch this to be aware of the influence, the mindset we're up against. David Marchese is the interviewer and does a good job of holding his feet to the fire, to force him to answer the questions. And yes, he is ugly.
True, Marchese is the skeptical interviewer I wish we had when talking to all the GOP, but I can't abide viewing Trump or any of the GOP when they try to gaslight.
Trying to watch this guy makes my brain hurt. He's not credible.
Weak men follow weak men.
Our whole lives are governed by the whims of insecure, emotionally unintelligent, titty baby men who whine about how life is so hard for them with their billions of dollars and all they need is to take over the world and subjugate EVERYONE and then they will be complete. 🖕🖕
I do not advocate anyone to break the law or do physical harm to someone else’s property! But if you can’t help yourself, be careful & do not get caught! We need all the help with the resistance we can get & being behind bars helps nobody!
Just make sure to bar the doors from the outside this time, and after it's a pile of cinders, pour 50 metric tons of fast setting concrete over his bunker entry and exit points.
For those who can not leave their home to protest. please share this and sign. Let's make this go viral!!!! #NoTRUMP #America #world #Nato #Freedom #Petition #share #Rights #NoMusk #AntiTrump #Viral #Fyp #News #sign #YourVoiceMatters #MakeAStand
In this time of unchecked government breakdown an organized group posing as DOGE could waltz right into powerful offices, arrest CEOs, steal millions of dollars in “evidence “, even kidnap people, and nobody would believe the denials.
Don't worry. They won't be shipped to El Salvador. They know vandalism is a mere misdemeanor and the judge will just order them to pay a fine plus probation. Tesla's dealerships are not federal properties nor is it a top secret structure!😉
I wouldn’t be so confident.. These goons value $ over life. And they’re looking for reasons to bring in martial law.. Fascists always make out the Left are lawless. We need to think about that.
This slimy asshat is committing crime, yet again!
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
imagine phalanxes of Texlaxx vehicles programmed to smash into Texlaxx headquarters & factories, all reprogrammed to burst into flames when their airbags deploy on impact
BREAKING !! Germany: Federal Foreign Office adds travel warning for the USA !! Public bribery, extortion and corruption. The USA is ceasing to be a democracy
I really can't endorse vandalizing people's property regardless what side of the political spectrum you're on. I hate Elon Musk but these people are innocent. These people more than likely owned these cars long before Elon bought Twitter and started acting like a nazi.
People are angry. They're stealing our Social Security and tax money that is supposed to be for the good of society. These cars and dealerships are easy targets, but I don't condone vandalizing private individual's property.
Anyone who in their Right mind continues purchasing the Products he invested in, not invented is just as bad as he. Everything he has~has the (D) implanted. Ppl need to stop purchasing all . Including Starlink. Boycott All. Send the Antichrist back to his 500 degree Dungeon.
Where is this Tesla dealership? Yesterday, I saw 36 Cybertrucks parked in a random parking lot on Hayden Road in Scottsdale, AZ. And Elon Musk's cars have killed people, including here.
Lol this guys buying a car because protesters? What an idiot...and obviously a racist. I would say he's going to lose his job for this, but he claims to be in the military soooo...
haha right? Like we're all going to be like, "oh shit! you're buying a car because of us?! we'd better all go home right away." Go fuck yourself, Nazi.
There’s part of me that loves this. But the other part fears giving any avenue towards restoring sympathy for Musk. Tesla is going to implode, hopefully the rest of Musks empire will too. These acts of vandalism only work in Musk’s favor.
Never play by the rules when protesting. The status quo is counting on you to play by their rules. So are the fascist pigs that are loose in America today.
You know it is a shame Americans do not get funded for Medicaid and Medicare so they can't have glasses to see or Lasik surgery so they could see who did it. Such a shame we'll never know
The president wants to declare these crimes against Tesla properties an act of terror, but the crimes committed by Jan 6 insurrectionists were acts of patriotism. This is the slippery slope Trump created when he legitimized political violence. He’s why we’re here.
Sometimes used as a derogatory term for South African immigrants, but used as slang in South Africa. Akin to calling an Australian an Aussie pr a New Zealander a Kiwi.
It would be horrible if someone mackerel the software in the cars. Not to hurt anyone, but maybe if the car was turned off for 1 hour, it just wouldn't restart. Especially the newer ones under warranty.
A historic oil painting showing angry colonists attacking and setting on fire Tesla cars at a port warehouse facility. The fires are raging and billowing smoke fills the sky a dark grey while they surround two Teslas with bonfires and muskets.
Folks, you don’t need to burn Teslas to send a statement.
Fires attract a lot of attention, just get a few packs of bologna and toss slices all over the vehicles. The preservatives in the meat will react with the paint and peel it off.
I like how your mind works -
1. It’s better for the environment;
2. It’s so much more discrete;
3. It sounds v time efficient.
4. The material is safe for the .. er.. artist (OH&S is important)
Do you know if ingredients in Coca Cola still work sprayed on car paintwork for stripping effect?
Ah! Excellent point..
Also, as an alternative, I understand that overcooked spaghetti artistically placed on metallic paint is also excellent once it dries.. It does have to stay on for a while, or so I understand.
Nice sharing ideas with you 😈
Oven cleaner will strip the protective coating off it. Be sure to apply it in a fun design so drivers can enjoy a big rusted out dick on their geniusmobile.
Feel free to share these helpful tips of things you should never do!
I have but they don’t sell Teslas. My point was it wasn’t fair to target a car dealer just like tagging a grocery store for their price of eggs. It makes the protest look bad like we’re MAGAets destroying property. They’ll turn it to hurt us!
I like your meme. It reminds me of early sci-fi lore where pple wrote about machines being programmed to be ‘unable’ to harm humans.. Maybe these machines are channeling that spirit & totalling themselves or self immolation is the sacrificial outcome for the good of humanity? 😈
In retrospect, yeah. Yet when you look
into what’s behind the tech bros’ version of how the world should be now, esp those advocating the dismantling of Democracy, there’s still this theme of worshipping tech as the Answer to everything.
Rather than vandalize property, it would be better to make sure you inform people of the far better products available in the market and pointing out the superior safety features
Good point and…
This lawless lot are Looking for a chance to bring g in martial law.
Remember: violent fascist regimes always talk about the violent, dangerous Left. That’s how they justify bringing in their increasingly restrictive laws & police State.
They persecute everyone they hate anyway. You going to let them murder SS recipients, deport immigrants to concentration camps, dismantle education, Govt without a whimper?
If you look at my posts here, you’ll see I’m constantly sharing facts, resources, calls to action.
I’m hardly silent.
And, at 65 & an activist since my teens, this isn’t my 1st rodeo. This is huge - I want to be in the long game for the survival of as many of us as I can support.
I share your fury
I’m not suggesting that. I’m saying we have to be strategic. 66.5% of us do not have rights under this coup — b/c we’re not [cis+straight+white+male].. Even fewer have rights if we remove [ablebodied].
Those who are in the Rights Club, have money, & control the system atm, hence strategic handling.
Every improvement to the lives and rights of ordinary people begins with civil disobedience. Politicians in government resist hard until there’s enough momentum for them to get on the bandwagon and personally benefit from the new zeitgeist.
I would think that Tesla dealerships are being monitored with camera’s and security, so the fact that they keep getting “vandalized” without any arrests has me suspicious. Remember during the George Floyd protests when Republican agitators would create vandalism to blame “Antifa”?
I thought this as well but then realized that most people vandalizing Tesla dealerships are wearing a mask. Masks are making it hard to identify suspects that would lead to an arrest. That’s why Trump recently posted “NO MASKS” and he’s trying to ban mask-wearing on campuses.
I'm open to the idea there are some lone actors. But the fact that every accusation is a confession from Trump and Musk and the like, well that does leave you to wonder...
And we're entitled to tell you we think your opinion is stupid.
Gotta love how free speech *actually* works, eh?
Have fun with that!
Trying to watch this guy makes my brain hurt. He's not credible.
Our whole lives are governed by the whims of insecure, emotionally unintelligent, titty baby men who whine about how life is so hard for them with their billions of dollars and all they need is to take over the world and subjugate EVERYONE and then they will be complete. 🖕🖕
Is that Hot Pink or Electric Pink?
to all the crazy MAGA boolsheet.
The whole thing is one long, extra
extreme mega emergency, if you
watch Fux News.
Some executives and board members fear the billionaire’s use of drugs—including LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, mushrooms and ketamine—could harm his companies
In this time of unchecked government breakdown an organized group posing as DOGE could waltz right into powerful offices, arrest CEOs, steal millions of dollars in “evidence “, even kidnap people, and nobody would believe the denials.
He knows these judges are our last line of defense, so he's using his power and money to rig another election. Please mobilize and spread awareness!
Do we know anyone who would know - hypothetically - how that could be achieved?
Any idea if Anonymous are already thinking about this hypothetical thing?
Love the color choice. 🩷
Either Rise and Resist as one
Or fall one by one into poverty and oppression
It’s too late when the boot 🥾 is stamping down on you.
You have to prevent the process before it begins.
if they could just get the Tesla badge off it!
Isn't the other one a donkey's arse...
Eat the Rich
So I ask, why? Is it worth it to help the overall cause of wanting to impeach Trump?
This is a genuine question from someone that wants to hear other opinions. Please don’t attack me!
If I know a thing I purchase is hated and will be a target of vandalism, I will think twice before buying that thing.
There's a type who would take pride in flaunting a cyber truck in front of protesters just to demoralize them.
"Whatever you do, don't give Nazi salutes,
or it will hurt your car sales."
Musk: "I already did."
Homer: "D'oh!"
No real property damage
Gotta say 😅😝🙂↔️💫
I mean, quelle horreur!
I'm pretty sure those Teslas got damage on their own. We're set on fire on their own. They tend to explode
FACK Tesla . . .
💠 🖕 💠
Well Tesla is not a real car company.
Go bust Elon!
Care to enlighten me? 😆
a little pieces from Chapelle Roan
Oil industry is a big part of MAGA.
Now cheering Tesla? Quite a saga.
What has caused a reversal so brash?
World’s richest man needs more cash.
A historic oil painting showing angry colonists attacking and setting on fire Tesla cars at a port warehouse facility. The fires are raging and billowing smoke fills the sky a dark grey while they surround two Teslas with bonfires and muskets.
Somewhere in the dark recesses or our American DNA, this impulse still exists in us and is resurfacing in response to our current circumstances.
I don’t condone either, but the abuse of power threatened and exercised by Trump & Co is disgusting and illegal.
Arrest, charge, and give the suspected vandals their day in court.
Quit the dictatorship bullshit.
Fires attract a lot of attention, just get a few packs of bologna and toss slices all over the vehicles. The preservatives in the meat will react with the paint and peel it off.
Now these clowns can drive a polka dot clown car.
1. It’s better for the environment;
2. It’s so much more discrete;
3. It sounds v time efficient.
4. The material is safe for the .. er.. artist (OH&S is important)
Do you know if ingredients in Coca Cola still work sprayed on car paintwork for stripping effect?
….is what I would say if I were suggesting something like that
Also, as an alternative, I understand that overcooked spaghetti artistically placed on metallic paint is also excellent once it dries.. It does have to stay on for a while, or so I understand.
Nice sharing ideas with you 😈
Oven cleaner will strip the protective coating off it. Be sure to apply it in a fun design so drivers can enjoy a big rusted out dick on their geniusmobile.
Feel free to share these helpful tips of things you should never do!
For educational purposes only, of course
So you’re fine, unless you’ve been drinking paint.
Have you been drinking paint?
BTW a pressure washer will have that gone in an hour, if they hired by competence.
into what’s behind the tech bros’ version of how the world should be now, esp those advocating the dismantling of Democracy, there’s still this theme of worshipping tech as the Answer to everything.
This lawless lot are Looking for a chance to bring g in martial law.
Remember: violent fascist regimes always talk about the violent, dangerous Left. That’s how they justify bringing in their increasingly restrictive laws & police State.
I’m hardly silent.
And, at 65 & an activist since my teens, this isn’t my 1st rodeo. This is huge - I want to be in the long game for the survival of as many of us as I can support.
I share your fury
Those who are in the Rights Club, have money, & control the system atm, hence strategic handling.
Keep going ✊🏻