Millions cancelling their trips and businesses in the United States due to Trump’s illegal ICE ethnic cleansing operations.
The damages created by Trump will exceed in the trillions of dollars. #3E #EndImpunity
The damages created by Trump will exceed in the trillions of dollars. #3E #EndImpunity
But the introduction of the passport requirement slowed us down and we haven't crossed since the 2016 election.
If that's true, that would rule me out from ever visiting.
I am not anti-American, I am anti-Trump & Musk
china - same. some are given power over others and feel great with it. that's how suppression works.
russia - same story.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Developers are building like crazy, kinda weird, because there has been an exodus going on for the last few years. First in inflation and highest insurance
The US wont get my money either. 👍
Many classes of felony- including DUI- come with automatic deportation as a matter of law. It hasn't been enforced much but it is on the books
It's a tough law, but if people disagree with its enforcement they should have taken it off the books when they had the chance.
"The non crazy Trumper" types aren't much better than Fox News and the lunatic right when it comes to distorting the facts.
When we distort cases like this out of recognition, we lose our standing to call out the cases of genuine abuse of law & process.
What happens if one of her parents fall ill and she has to go back? Will she be looking forward to denial of entry or be taken into detention? Fuck MAGA, hallow, empty-headed, shallow people. ALL OF THEM!!!!!
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
We do know that right?
He is a foreign asset out to destroy America.
We are all aware?
This is where we are... damaged in a little over 8 weeks, I can't think or even try to comprehend 4 years of this😒
“neighbor”, scary and dark times!
I've been to Ireland and Scotland recently, I loved being there. Hope you like good beer and whisk(e)y :)
This year going England and France
Spring trip to Quebec
No more US. Had a membership to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but that’s over.
The #USA doesn’t deserve $ from our beloved neighbors from #Canada 🇨🇦
Stand strong against the #Fascist bully
Let #MAGA feel the pain that their #King 🍊 💩 created
Isolationists don't tend to travel internationally. You should be okay.
First, they go after non US citizens, tourists, visa & green card holders - slightest criticism against dear Führer - and you r at risk of being hauled off & held in detention for days
Then they go after US citizens
This is Nazi & Stasi stuff
We’re running this in IA, NE, PA, MI & VA—because silence is complicity.
I can think of a few who have donated their wealth to philanthropy / just take Mackenzie Scott for one
But sadly, too many who are abusing the system and what’s happening in the US now is bad & we r only 2 months in the Trump presidency
But, what they chose to do with it does. #TaxTheRich
No one is safe under Trump Regime!
US becomes like North Korea! 🤬
No one gets out & No one gets in!
border daily when
I lived in Abbotsford
BC to buy beer and
something for supper to take home.
Never again, unfortunately.😾
I'd like to have a
few nukes too 🇨🇦
To make bullies think twice, think
The sadest part is that this fascist political agenda will backfire first on American’s who’s jobs depend on tourism…
Trump has to be impeached.
Too many horrific stories about the #inhumane treatment of visitors from other countries. #MSM is not reporting what #ICE has done to #innocent visitors. It’s bad!
Stay safe neighbors 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇫🇷
Economic ramifications will be seen far and wide
I just read an article of a UK woman that was detained for over two weeks because she had the wrong visa.
America is unsafe.
Hopefully they will let US citizens back in. Although they way it’s looking… at some point in the future they might not let you leave.
We’re expecting a booming tourist season this year.
Support Europe 🇪🇺
Money is all they understand; and we who love the ideals our government is bailing on right now understand and support you.
They can exclude America and just have Mexico and Canada do it as punishment.
It's too dangerous to travel to the United States.
Instead we will be spending this years summer vacation in beautiful Canada.
We (my family) here in Europe will be voting with our wallets.
YOU also have a choice!.........Vote with your wallet.
How does tRump think the world’s masses will come here willingly for the World Cup?
And they are mad!
Too scared and too unwilling to spend my money.
This seems just for every person who felt it was appropriate for another man to live this cruel & unusual punishment.
We let him cause that's what America is. Giving the powerful the right to rule us while we cower in the corner.
Our ancestors would be ashamed of those who allow this.
not anytime soon
This shitshow has barely begun.
The economic losses due to Trump as POTUS will be astronomical.
Dictators are COWARDS.
They fear their own people.
Trump hid from you in the WH's bunker in his 1st term.
After you seize him, either in the WH or in FL, set a Nuremberg-style trial for him & ALL his helpers.
And form a temporary gov.
Why do states rights triumph over our federal rights here? Why does the DNC abandon & not even compete in the Deep South? Why do they give away so many electoral votes without serious competition?
But thing is? I consider it not "we told them so" thing (which only drives everyone away from any reunification, as far as I tell anymore). It's an American thing.
Americans like me n' my fam are being held hostage by states reich fash! SOS!
Saying "We told them so!" is why Texas and the Deep South is not in play -- ever! -- for Dems. They fly-over and pity party the rubes. The same rubes they used to have as voters.
Last time a presidential hopeful came to my state was John Kerry. I get it. My state is never in play either & we are always ignored as fly over territory. Today I am tired. I’ll get back in the fight tomorrow
But we're ALL exhausted. Bernie spoke for me, too!
Trump is doing to America exactly what he did to several of his businesses: bankruptcy.
Unfortunately, people will suffer & die bc of him.
More than his 1st administration when a million+ Americans died to due Covid mismanagement.
Glad you all get the drift of my message.
Love hanging on here with like minded people.
We need to stick together to stop this fascist takeover of our country.
2/3 of voting Americans did NOT vote for Trump.
And of the remaining third, given Trump's and Musk's confessions of election hacking, those are questionable.
Right now, even American citizens aren't safe in America. It's best to stay away from our newly formed shithole country.
The wife and I have spent many vacations in the USA, categorically will not be happening under this administration,
I'm a few hours from Paris...they'll get a few thousand off us Hitler in, don't cry that you've annexed yourself