Please follow, repost, and like if you agree. Tag and add who and what you love most and share. My wife and daughters. Spread the message of kindness. "The Golden Rule" 'Treat others as you would want to be treated.'. But be prepared to violently defend kindness or WE will never stop hate.
#Kindness #Unite #Freedom #StrongerTogether #TheGoldenRule #Equality #HumanRights #UIP #UnitedIndependentsParty #SocialJustice #Community #Connect #RenewableEnergy #TaxTheRich #NoBillionaires #UHC #WeTheWorkers #FightFascism #Democracy #RankedChoiceVoting #PopularVote#NoElectoralCollege#Constitution
extra space on
your great list
I would add…
Karma is real. ✨
It gives people a chance
to better themselves. ☀️