tryna see summ
if you can see this post tell me how many instruments you can play and a bit about how you learned to play them
if you can see this post tell me how many instruments you can play and a bit about how you learned to play them
my parents wanted me to learn a bunch of stuff when i was younger, and i joined band in high school
i decided to learn bouzouki after buying one when visiting italy
I went to music school
had the teeniest bit of interest in piano when I was younger and that died kinda fast
I can however play the keyboard/piano cause I went to a music school. Also flute
But I own two kazoos, a kalimba, an otamatone, a harmonica and two keyboards (yes I have adhd)
got any tips for picking keyboard/piano up? asking for a friend 😁😁😁😁
Or try practice books. Requires some more discipline but Steve ashworth has good books that teach playing by chords
I learned trombone through playing in highschool and I learned kalimba through watching a lot of tutorials.