oh oh ! my dad is finally getting me a birthday present for the first time since i graduated high school (although my birthday was feb 15th, it’s the thought that counts)
so-so it better than a bad day!! hopefully you can have an even better day ahead! and i am doing alright~~ just playing some gen/shin and listening to music rn!
im on am/rica ! and my progress is very very bad lolol i get really nauseous playing sometimes so i cant usually play for very long which doesnt let me get a lot done 3 super behind on literally everything, but im working on catching up! (i also didnt play for like 6mo bcuz burnout lol)
jean has been my favourite since the very beginning and she is almost always on my team when i do new fights or domains! but currently my favourite is al'hai'tham and can'dace !!
hmm it was alright!! nothing particularly bad happened except for currently i feel horribly nauseous but the rest of the day was good!! got groceries, got dressed up, folded laundry, read a bit, and am currently writing!
Reset the mind a little bit!
also u in ∆merica server or another?
curious abt ur teams btw and who is ur current companion/favorite teams for now hehe n.n