I said something like this and felt bad about it. This man has done some good things while also presiding over the most corrupt organization ever to exist.
I don't know very much about him, and as an atheist, I'm inclined to think badly of the religious. Having said that, as I was having a hard time dealing with some things related to religion, I noticed that the Pope granted entry to the church to the transgendered making them feel more included 1/2
and human. I'm not trans myself but thought it was a nice gesture and have heard he does good things. As such, I felt bad about what I'd said. This doesn't take away from all of the bad things the church, in my view, does however, but I don't wish this man dead like I do some orange ones. 2/2
I'll always appreciate his 'scandalous' statement that all religions are the same. Quite possibly the most true statement to ever come from a cleric's mouth.
I was just witness to the church making it's latest concession to stay relevant and less hated. I shouldn't overthink it. They should've let everyone in to begin with. That's what the character Jesus would have done.
And he’s still going to die, as we all do, so can we finally use this as proof prayers do exactly zero except possibly for the one praying?
He both-sided the 2024 election and catholics overwhelming voted for 47.
The resulting long term damage, suffering, and death of millions around the world is his legacy.
Ya, I was brought up catholic, but:
I'll always appreciate his 'scandalous' statement that all religions are the same. Quite possibly the most true statement to ever come from a cleric's mouth.
But the Pope smokes weed & worships satan.
It's proof you can indeed smoke weed & worship God at the same time.
Or satan, if you are the Pope.