54. Web Of Spider-man 19
This is the first single issue comic book I ever bought. It's not a particularly good issue or anything but it's a special book since it's the first floppy I bought.
This is the first single issue comic book I ever bought. It's not a particularly good issue or anything but it's a special book since it's the first floppy I bought.
This game will always stick with me, this book lead to one of my most memorable one shots ever. A truly felt like I told an epic myth by the end of it and that we had crafted a truly fantastic story. I'll never forget Yuisa.
My first Yuri Manga. A TG manga about a "boy" turning into a girl I wanted to be her so badly. I wished so bad an alien would accidently kill me and reform my body as a woman, have everyone accept it and then have two cute girls want to be my girlfriend.
The Pokemon Company truly milked these guidebooks selling 2 of them to finish the post game content on top of the normal Johoto with a full Pokedex at the end of it. HGSS was my into to smogon single competitive and these guides helped a whole lot.
Another trans X cis sapphic romance story for kids and it's a sweet one, I really liked it. Crystal and I haven't always seen eye to eye but she did a damn great job on this story. I really enjoyed this comic despite any little arguments we mighta had.
It had Lesbian Morgan Le Fey in it and a giant buff woman, that was enough for me and I still have it for those reasons.
My 3rd award winning comic. I truly and deeply love the story Lea and I told in this book. I think about the characters regularly, I want to tell a story of those two going on a trip and being murder lesbians on the road. It was so much fun to work with Lea, like peak.