It's far more 1 and 2 than 4 (mainly due to the fact that the West coast Brotherhood were religious fanatics)...
As for NV, there won't be anything in this season for the fans of that one, unless they mention Caesar when the NCR eventually shows up?
(No spoilers, I'm only done Ep2)
That early on i agree, you don't see as much 4. it's very apparent later on however, something to look forward to ;)
I did pick up on the religious structure of BoS, but never really played 1 and 2, Much more 3, NV and 4, just reinstalled 4 and a large mod collection as it happens...
Only gripe I had was a certain Vault number I thought should have been on the east coast, turns out that was a mod anyway, so that answered that one.
As for NV, there won't be anything in this season for the fans of that one, unless they mention Caesar when the NCR eventually shows up?
(No spoilers, I'm only done Ep2)
I did pick up on the religious structure of BoS, but never really played 1 and 2, Much more 3, NV and 4, just reinstalled 4 and a large mod collection as it happens...