It does my old nerd heart good to see the way Battletech is having a "second golden age" after many years on what could be described as life support. It was my first "proper" tabletop game back in the early/mid 80's (2nd edition box set and the 3025 Tech Readout).
One of the things I like about Alpha Strike is the way so many units that get dismissed in BattleTech behave very differently. The CGR-1A1 is a bit of a joke in BattleTech, but in Alpha Strike it's a low-PV punching machine that soaks up damage.
Even in classic, you can't ignore a Chargers physical combat for too long. And at under 1k BV for something that most people will ignore until it's just a little too late, it's a steal.
Waaaaaay back in the day, I played on a MegaMek.NET 3025 server that modified BV based on the win-loss of the mech. So 'mechs that veterans loved, like the STK-3F or JR7-F, ended up OMG expensive. And ones they disdained plummeted in turn.
I, in my infinite deviltry, ended up with a lance of x2 SHD-2H, a RFL-3N, and a BNC-3E that totaled less than 3,000 BV. And I promptly went on a rampage that left a series of JVN-10Fs, HBK-4Ps, and BNC-3Ss with their legs kicked off and their heads staved in.
Thanks to a MegaCon visit in Orlando, where a local Battletech group had a fun intro session, now I'm kinda obsessed! I got the stripped down Essentials Box, but plan on getting the full game soon.
I also got addicted to the similar Earthsiege video game.
Don't call it a comeback,
I been here for years
I'm rockin' my peers,
puttin' suckers in fear
Makin' the tears rain down like a monsoon
Listen, BattleMechs go boom 🎶
As far as we know they asked their mate Dave.
(I say that with more GW stuff in my loft than I care to think about atm.)
I also got addicted to the similar Earthsiege video game.
Don't call it a comeback,
I been here for years
I'm rockin' my peers,
puttin' suckers in fear
Makin' the tears rain down like a monsoon
Listen, BattleMechs go boom 🎶